Non-Equilibrium Critical Dynamics and Precursory Phenomena in Color Superconductivity(Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Nuclear Matter under Extreme Conditions)
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We derive an effective equation to describe the non-equilibrium dynamics of the pair field of color superconductivity near the critical temperature. We also discuss how critical dynamics affects the specific heat and density of state above the critical temperature.
- 2004-12-28
Faculty of Natural Science, Ryukoku University
Kunihiro T
Yukawa Institute For Theoretical Physics Kyoto University:(present Office)department Of Physics Kyot
Kunihiro Teiji
Yukawa Institute For Theoretical Physics Kyoto Univ.
Koide Tomoi
Institute De Fisica Universidade De Sao Paulo C.p.
Department of Physics, Osaka University
RIKEN-BNL Reseach Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory
RIKEN-BNL Research Center
Kitazawa Masakiyo
Department Of Physics Osaka University
Department of Physics, Tohoku University
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
RIKEN BNL Research Center
RIKEN-BNL Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Pion and σ-Meson at Finite Temperature
- Bose-Einstein Condensation of Diquark Molecules in Three-Flavor Quark Matter(Dense QCD, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-)
- Fermionic Collective Modes in QGP near Critical Temperatures(Hot QCD and QGP, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-)
- Effect of the Zero-Mode on the Response of a Trapped Bose-Condensed Gas(Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- Chapter X Outlook
- Chapter VII Neutral Pion Condensation in Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter
- Chapter V Toward Realistic Treatment of Neutral Pion-Condensed State
- Neutral Pion Condensation and Alternating Layer Spin Model Including Isobar Δ(1232) in Hot Symmetric Nuclear Matter
- Projection Operator Approach to Langevin Equations in φ^4 Theory
- Time Evolution of a Quantum System in a Medium and Mass Renormalization in the Projection Operator Method : Nuclear Physics
- Medium Effects on Time Development of Hadronic Correlation Functions in the Projection Operator Method
- A Self-Consistent Mean-Field Approach to the Dynamical Symmetry Breaking : The Effective Potential of the Nambu and Jona-Lasinio Model : Particles and Fields
- In-Medium Pions and Partial Restoration of Chiral Symmetry : A Model-Independent Analysis(Hadron properties and chiral symmetry in medium, Chiral dynamics in nuclear medium, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-)
- Formation of σ Mesic Nuclei as a Probe of Chiral Restoration in Nuclear Medium(§6. Mesons in Nuclei,Possible Existence of the σ-Meson and Its Implications to Hadron Physics)
- Chiral Symmetry Restoration and the σ-Meson(§6. Mesons in Nuclei,Possible Existence of the σ-Meson and Its Implications to Hadron Physics)
- Construction of Invariant Manifold by Renormalization-group Method: reduction of dynamical systems and its applications(Dynamical Systems and Differential Geometry)
- The Renormalization-group Method Applied to Non-equilibrium Dynamics(Non-equilibrium Dynamics in the QCD Phase Transitions)
- Opening Address(New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-)
- Opening Address(YITP Workshop on New Developments in Nuclear Self-Consistent Mean-Field Theories (MF05))
- A Novel Quasi-Particle Picture of Massless and Massive Quarks Coupled with a Massive Boson at Finite Temperature and Its Effect on the Dilepton Production Rate(CGC/Lattice QCD/etc.,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-
- Novel Collective Excitations and the Quasi-Particle Picture of Quarks Coupled with a Massive Boson at Finite Temperature(Nuclear Physics)
- Pre-Critical Phenomena of Two-Flavor Color Superconductivity in Heated Quark Matter : Diquark-Pair Fluctuations and Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior(Nuclear Physics)
- Non-Equilibrium Critical Dynamics and Precursory Phenomena in Color Superconductivity(Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Nuclear Matter under Extreme Conditions)
- Pseudogap of Color Superconductivity (Poster contributions)
- Some Recent Topics on Possible Chiral Restoration in Nuclear Medium (General overview)
- Chiral and Color-Superconducting Phase Transitions with Vector Interaction in a Simple Model(Prog. Theor. Phys. 108(2002), 929.)
- Chiral Restoration and the Scalar and Vector Correlations in Hot and Dense Matter
- Chiral and Color-Superconducting Phase Transitions with Vector Interaction in a Simple Model
- Chiral and Color-Superconducting Phase Transitions with Vector Interaction in a Simple Model
- Schwinger-Type Boson Realization for the su(4) Algebra : In Relation to the Description of Many-Fermion Systems in Pairing Correlation
- Schwinger-Type Boson Realization for Three Sub-Algebras of the su(4) Algebra : The so(5), the so(4) and the su(2)⊗su(2) Algebra
- The Renormalization-Group Method Applied to Asymptotic Analysis of Vector Fields : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Single-Particle Potential of Isobar Δ(1232) in Nuclear Matter Based on Extended Effective Interaction
- Pion Condensation and Alternating Layer Spin Model in Symmetric Nuclear Matter : Use of Extended Effective Nuclear Forces : Nuclear Physics
- Derivation of Transport Equations Using the Time-Dependent Projection Operator Method
- Roles of Chiral Symmetry and the Sigma Meson in Hadron and Nuclear Physics(§1. Historical and General Topics,Possible Existence of the σ-Meson and Its Implications to Hadron Physics)
- Renormalization-Group Resummation of a Divergent Series of the Perturbative Wave Functions of Quantum Systems
- Opening Address
- Strange-Quark Condensate in Nucleon Based on an Effective Lagrangian Incorporating U_A(1) Anomaly
- OBEP-Approach to π^0-Condensation in Neutron Medium Based on the [ALS] Model Including Isobar Δ(1232) : Effects of Heavy Mesons and the Stability
- Some Phenomenological Properties of the Chiral Transition in QCD
- Opening Address
- A Note on Possibility of ρ^0-Meson Condensation
- Chiral Symmetry and Scalar Meson in Hadron and Nuclear Physics
- Neutral Pion Condensation and ALS Model Including Isobar Δ(1236)
- A New Expansion of the Heisenberg Equation of Motion with Projection Operator
- Low Mass Scalar Mesons and Related Topics(Tetraquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-)
- Neutral-Meson Condensation in Nuclear Medium from the Viewpoint of One-Boson-Exchange Model
- Neutral Pion Condensation in Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter (Various Phases in High-Density Nuclear Matter and Neutron Stars)
- Neutral Pion Condensation and Alternating Layer Spin Model Including Isobar Δ(1232)in Hot Symmetric Nuclear Matter
- A Novel Quasi-Particle Picture of Massless and Massive Quarks Coupled with a Massive Boson at Finite Temperature and Its Effect on the Dilepton Production Rate
- Fermionic Collective Modes in QGP near Critical Temperatures
- Novel Collective Excitations and the Quasi-Particle Picture of Quarks Coupled with a Massive Boson at Finite Temperature
- Pseudogap of Color Superconductivity
- Some Recent Topics on Possible Chiral Restoration in Nuclear Medium
- Chiral and Color-Superconducting Phase Transitions with Vector Interaction in a Simple Model
- Chiral Restoration and the Scalar and Vector Correlations in Hot and Dense Matter
- Chiral and Color-Superconducting Phase Transitions with Vector Interaction in a Simple Model
- Schwinger-Type Boson Realization for the su(4) Algebra : In Relation to the Description of Many-Fermion Systems in Pairing Correlation
- Schwinger-Type Boson Realization for Three Sub-Algebras of the su(4) Algebra : The so(5), the so(4) and the su(2) 【cross product】 su(2) Algebra
- Outlook (Various Phases in High-Density Nuclear Matter and Neutron Stars)
- Toward Realistic Treatment of Neutral Pion-Condensed State (Various Phases in High-Density Nuclear Matter and Neutron Stars)
- Pre-Critical Phenomena of Two-Flavor Color Superconductivity in Heated Quark Matter : Diquark-Pair Fluctuations and Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior(Nuclear Physics)
- Non-Equilibrium Critical Dynamics and Precursory Phenomena in Color Superconductivity(Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Nuclear Matter under Extreme Conditions)
- A Geometrical Formulation of the Renormalization Group Method for Global Analysis : General and Mathematical Physics