Chiral Symmetry and Scalar Meson in Hadron and Nuclear Physics
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After giving a short introduction to the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with an anomaly term, we show the importance of the scalar-scalar correlation in the low-energy hadron dynamics, which correlation may be summarized by a scalar-isoscalar meson, the sigma meson. The discussion is based on the chiral quark model with the sigma-meson degrees of freedom. Possible experiments are proposed to produce the elusive meson in a nucleus and detect it. In relation to a precursory soft mode for the chiral transition, the reason is clarified why the dynamic properties of the superconductor may be described by the diffusive timedependent Ginzburg-Landau (TDGL) equation. We indicate the chiral symmetry plays a significant role also in nuclei; one may say that the stability of nuclei is due to the chiral symmetry of QCD.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1995-11-06
Faculty of Natural Science, Ryukoku University
Kunihiro T
Yukawa Institute For Theoretical Physics Kyoto University:(present Office)department Of Physics Kyot
Kunihiro Teiji
Faculty Of Natural Science Ryukoku University
Faculty of Science and Technology, Ryukoku University
- Pion and σ-Meson at Finite Temperature
- Fermionic Collective Modes in QGP near Critical Temperatures(Hot QCD and QGP, Dense hadronic and quark matter, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-)
- Chapter X Outlook
- Chapter VII Neutral Pion Condensation in Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter
- Chapter V Toward Realistic Treatment of Neutral Pion-Condensed State
- Neutral Pion Condensation and Alternating Layer Spin Model Including Isobar Δ(1232) in Hot Symmetric Nuclear Matter
- A Self-Consistent Mean-Field Approach to the Dynamical Symmetry Breaking : The Effective Potential of the Nambu and Jona-Lasinio Model : Particles and Fields
- A Novel Quasi-Particle Picture of Massless and Massive Quarks Coupled with a Massive Boson at Finite Temperature and Its Effect on the Dilepton Production Rate(CGC/Lattice QCD/etc.,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-
- Novel Collective Excitations and the Quasi-Particle Picture of Quarks Coupled with a Massive Boson at Finite Temperature(Nuclear Physics)
- Pre-Critical Phenomena of Two-Flavor Color Superconductivity in Heated Quark Matter : Diquark-Pair Fluctuations and Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior(Nuclear Physics)
- Non-Equilibrium Critical Dynamics and Precursory Phenomena in Color Superconductivity(Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Nuclear Matter under Extreme Conditions)
- Pseudogap of Color Superconductivity (Poster contributions)
- Some Recent Topics on Possible Chiral Restoration in Nuclear Medium (General overview)
- Chiral and Color-Superconducting Phase Transitions with Vector Interaction in a Simple Model(Prog. Theor. Phys. 108(2002), 929.)
- Chiral Restoration and the Scalar and Vector Correlations in Hot and Dense Matter
- Chiral and Color-Superconducting Phase Transitions with Vector Interaction in a Simple Model
- Chiral and Color-Superconducting Phase Transitions with Vector Interaction in a Simple Model
- Schwinger-Type Boson Realization for the su(4) Algebra : In Relation to the Description of Many-Fermion Systems in Pairing Correlation
- Schwinger-Type Boson Realization for Three Sub-Algebras of the su(4) Algebra : The so(5), the so(4) and the su(2)⊗su(2) Algebra
- The Renormalization-Group Method Applied to Asymptotic Analysis of Vector Fields : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Single-Particle Potential of Isobar Δ(1232) in Nuclear Matter Based on Extended Effective Interaction
- Pion Condensation and Alternating Layer Spin Model in Symmetric Nuclear Matter : Use of Extended Effective Nuclear Forces : Nuclear Physics
- Renormalization-Group Resummation of a Divergent Series of the Perturbative Wave Functions of Quantum Systems
- A Geometrical Formulation of the Renormalization Group Method for Global Analysis II: Partial Differential Equations
- Strange-Quark Condensate in Nucleon Based on an Effective Lagrangian Incorporating U_A(1) Anomaly
- OBEP-Approach to π^0-Condensation in Neutron Medium Based on the [ALS] Model Including Isobar Δ(1232) : Effects of Heavy Mesons and the Stability
- Some Phenomenological Properties of the Chiral Transition in QCD
- A Note on Possibility of ρ^0-Meson Condensation
- Chiral Symmetry and Scalar Meson in Hadron and Nuclear Physics
- Neutral Pion Condensation and ALS Model Including Isobar Δ(1236)
- Neutral-Meson Condensation in Nuclear Medium from the Viewpoint of One-Boson-Exchange Model
- Neutral Pion Condensation in Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter (Various Phases in High-Density Nuclear Matter and Neutron Stars)
- Neutral Pion Condensation and Alternating Layer Spin Model Including Isobar Δ(1232)in Hot Symmetric Nuclear Matter
- A Novel Quasi-Particle Picture of Massless and Massive Quarks Coupled with a Massive Boson at Finite Temperature and Its Effect on the Dilepton Production Rate
- Fermionic Collective Modes in QGP near Critical Temperatures
- Novel Collective Excitations and the Quasi-Particle Picture of Quarks Coupled with a Massive Boson at Finite Temperature
- Pseudogap of Color Superconductivity
- Some Recent Topics on Possible Chiral Restoration in Nuclear Medium
- Chiral and Color-Superconducting Phase Transitions with Vector Interaction in a Simple Model
- Chiral Restoration and the Scalar and Vector Correlations in Hot and Dense Matter
- Chiral and Color-Superconducting Phase Transitions with Vector Interaction in a Simple Model
- Schwinger-Type Boson Realization for the su(4) Algebra : In Relation to the Description of Many-Fermion Systems in Pairing Correlation
- Schwinger-Type Boson Realization for Three Sub-Algebras of the su(4) Algebra : The so(5), the so(4) and the su(2) 【cross product】 su(2) Algebra
- Outlook (Various Phases in High-Density Nuclear Matter and Neutron Stars)
- Toward Realistic Treatment of Neutral Pion-Condensed State (Various Phases in High-Density Nuclear Matter and Neutron Stars)
- Pre-Critical Phenomena of Two-Flavor Color Superconductivity in Heated Quark Matter : Diquark-Pair Fluctuations and Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior(Nuclear Physics)
- Non-Equilibrium Critical Dynamics and Precursory Phenomena in Color Superconductivity(Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Nuclear Matter under Extreme Conditions)
- Chiral Restoration and Character Change of Hadrons at Finite Temperature
- A Geometrical Formulation of the Renormalization Group Method for Global Analysis : General and Mathematical Physics