Adaptive Simulation, Linear Response and Nonergodic Transition
- 論文の詳細を見る
Adaptive Monte Carlo methods such as multi-canonical sampling and simulated annealing are considered based on the linear response theory, yielding useful information on, e.g., an update formula, energy diffusion constant and a cooling rate. Application of these Monte Carlo methods to the coupled Duffing oscillators reveals not only the liquid-solid transition but also the existence of a metastable nonergodic phase in the strong coupling limit.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1997-06-27
宗像 豊哲
Inst. Physical And Chemical Res. Saitama
Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Kyoto University
Oyama Satoshi
Ntt Software Headquarters
Munakata Toyonori
Department Of Applied Mathematics And Physics Faculty Of Engineering Kyoto University
Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics Faculty of Engineering, Tottori University
Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Engineering Tottori University
- 7p-YL-6 Solvent Effects on Polymer Conformation
- 28p-F-9 密度汎関数法による溶媒-高分子の定式化
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- simulated annealingと温度制御(2000年度基礎物理学研究所研究会「モンテカルロ法の新展開2」,研究会報告)
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- 5p-YE-6 Double Gaussian近似を用いたStochastic Resonanceの研究
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- 30p-B-9 多次元スピンからなるニューラルネットワークモデル
- 29p-C-5 離散系のダイナミクス : 遷移確率とその応用
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- 13p-G-5 Discrete Nonlinear systemにおけるKink Dynamics : Kink PropagationとKink-Pair Nucleation
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- 29a-D-3 転位の移動速度に関する計算機実験
- 液体における拡散と初通過問題(基研短期研究会「凝縮系におけるスローダイナミックス」,研究会報告)
- 26p-ZA-10 温度一定の分子動力学とエルゴード性
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- Dynamical Properties of a Low-Dimensional Chaotic Reservoir : Simulations and GLE Interpretation : General Physics
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- Stochastic Resonance in a Simple Threshold System from a Static Mutual Information Point of View(Cross-disciplinary Physics and Related Areas of Science and Technology)
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- 25p-T-2 外場によるキンクの運動とキンク対形成
- 5a-Q-5 液体-結晶-ガラス 転移を示す動的Ginzburg-Landauモデル
- 30a-F-4 Kinkの拡散にたいする2つのアプローチ
- 5p-Q-7 古典密度汎函数法の動的一般化
- 6a-S-9 格子系における renormalized kink と Peierls poteutial
- Discrete Nonlinear Systemにおけるkinkの運動方程式(ソリトン理論における広田の方法)
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- 27a-W-4 Kink Dynamicsにおける離散性の影響 I
- 27a-QC-6 非線形・非マルコフプロセスについて : 周期場中のブラウン運動
- 固体の熱膨張とソリトン(II.物性,ソリトン系のダイナミクスとそれに関するカオスの問題,基研長期研究会報告)
- 3p-PS-56 固体熱膨張の動的側面
- 28a-T-4 フレンケル-コントロバ系とsubstrateの変位場
- Adaptive Simulation, Linear Response and Nonergodic Transition
- Filtering for Simple Threshold Systems : Self-Tuning, Mutual Information and Applications(Signal Processing,Information Theory and Its Applications)
- Kink Dynamics in a One-Dimensional Conserved TDGL System : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Computer Simulation on Kink Dynamics and Kink-Pair Nucleation in the Discrete Frenkel-Kontorova Model
- Substrate-Strain Effects on the Frenkel-Kontorova System
- Dynamical Aspects of Lattice Thermal Expansion
- Nonergodic Behavior in a System of Coupled Nonlinear Oscillators
- Brownian Motion of a Nonlinear Oscillator
- Kink Dynamics in a Discrete Nonlinear System─The Exact Equations of Motion for Kinks─
- A Dynamical Extension of the Desity Functional Theory
- Density Fluctuations in Liquids -Application of a Dynamical Density Functional Theory-^*
- Dynamical Correlation Functions of Classical Liquids. I
- Renormalized Kink and Peierls Potential in a Nonlinear Lattice─Statistical Mechanical Approach─
- Transition State Theory for Kink Diffusion in Discrete Nonlinear Systems
- Liquid Instability and Freezing.II.Multi-Mode One Dimensional Analysis of a Nonlinear Diffusion Equation
- Liquid Instability and Freezing : Reductive Perturbation Approach
- A Kinetic Approach to the Friction Constant of a Brownian Particle
- Linear Response Approach to Self-Motion in Charged Liquids
- Dynamical Correlation Functions of Classical Liquids. II : A Self-Consistent Approach
- Activation Rates for Non-Markovian Processes : Progress Letters
- Resonance in Non-Markovian Activation Processes. II
- Dynamical Aspects of Lattice Thermal Expansion.II.Effects of Interaction among the NLS Solitons
- Memory Effects of Simple Cubic Lattice Models
- 荷電液体内の一粒子運動 (「高密度プラズマの物理と計測」研究会報告) -- (高密度プラズマ中の輸送過程)
- Fluctuation Theorem and an Extended Fokker-Planck Equation(General)
- Resonance in Non-Markovian Activation Processes : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Kink Dynamics in the Discrete Sine-Gordon System A Perturbational Approach
- Non-Markovian Brownian Motion in a Periodic Potential
- Self-Diffusion in Classical Condensed-Matter Systems : General Theory and Application to Diffusion in Solids : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- On Heat Reservoirs Composed of Simple Cubic Lattices
- Velocity Correlation and Relative Diffusion in Simple Liquids. : II
- Stochastic Resonance in a Simple Threshold System from a Static Mutual Information Point of View(Cross-disciplinary Physics and Related Areas of Science and Technology)