Self-Diffusion in Classical Condensed-Matter Systems : General Theory and Application to Diffusion in Solids : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
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We develop a general theory of self-diffusion in classical condensed systems, on the basis of a linear response method. Our theory, when applied to diffusion in solids, yields a nonlinear non-Markovian Langevin equation for an atom diffusing in a periodic potential. The memory kernel, which is expressed in terms of the dynamic structure factor of the host lattice and the self-correlation function of the diffusing atom, is in general a damped oscillatory function of time and shows quite different behaviors in the following two cases. For the case of coupling to acoustic modes the kernel is shown to decay rather rapidly and the diffusion constant is obtained by solving a self-consistent equation under a Markovian approximation. For the case of coupling to optic modes the kernel is a strongly oscillatory (thus non-Markovian) function, similar to that of high density one-component plasma.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1985-03-25
Munakata Toyonori
Department Of Applied Mathematics And Physics Faculty Of Engineering Kyoto University
Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Engineering Tottori University
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