Global Bifurcations and Fluctuation Spectra of Local Expansion Rates in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems : Complex Dynamics in Nonlinear Systems
- 論文の詳細を見る
The definition of the fluctuation spectrum of local expansion rates of nearby orbits is extended to a global region of phase space. It contains information on repellers as well as attractors coexisting in the region. Lyapunov exponents of attractors and repellers, the escape rates for repellers and some structures of these invariant sets are represented by this spectrum. Creations and annihilations of these invariant sets, the change of their nature and interrelations, occurring through global bifurcations when a control parameter value is varied, can be seen clearly in terms of this spectrum. On the basis of the statisticalmechanical formalism for this spectrum, some of the invariant sets coexisting in phase space for a fixed value of control parameter are interpreted as in phase equilibrium under the weighted average. At the bifurcation points the present first order phase transitions coincide with those for attractors found in previous papers.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1990-03-28
Department of Applied Analysis and Complex Dynamical Systems, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto
吉田 健
Miyazaki Syuji
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Miyazaki S
Department Of Applied Analysis And Complex Dynamical Systems Graduate School Of Informatics Kyoto Un
Miyazaki Syuji
Department Of Applied Analysis And Complex Dynamical Systems Graduate School Of Informatics Kyoto Un
Tatsuo Yoshida
Department Of Physics Ibaraki University
Department of Gastroenterology, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine
Miyazaki Syuji
Kyoto University
Miyazaki Syuji
Department Of Physics Kyushu University
Yoshida Takeshi
Department Of Biochemistry Hokkaido University School Of Dentistry
Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University
Faculty of Sciences, Ibaraki University
Yoshida Takeshi
Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
YOSHIDA Toshihiro
Department of Physics, Faculty of Education, Fukushima University
YOSHIDA Toshihiro
Department of Physics, Faculty of Education Fukushima University
Department of Physics, Kyusyu University
Yoshida Takeshi
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University
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- Global Bifurcations and Fluctuation Spectra of Local Expansion Rates in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems : Complex Dynamics in Nonlinear Systems
- Preface
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- Spectra Statistics of the Transition Matrices on Watts-Strogatz Model
- Large Deviations, Gibbs Measures, and Topologically Conjugate Transforms in Network Dynamics
- The q-Phase Transition and Critical Scaling Laws near the Band-Crisis Point of Chaotic Attractors : General and Mathematical Physics
- Critical Scaling Laws of Dynamic Structure Functions for Type I Intermittent Chaos
- Crossover between Anomalous Superdiffusion and Normal Diffusion in Oscillating Convection Flows
- Non-Equilibrium Thermal X-Ray Emission in Early Phase of Supernova Remnant : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Two-Dimensional Simulations of Hydrodynamic Instability in Supernova Explosion. II : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Two-Dimensional Simulation of Hydrodynamic Instability in Supernova Explosions : Astrophysics and Relativity
- q-Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena just after Band Crises
- Galactic Modulation of Extragalactic Cosmic Rays : A Possible Origin of the Knee in the Cosmic Ray Spectrum(Astrophysics and Relativity)
- A Stochastic Simulation Method for Particle Acceleration and Non-Thermal Photon Emission in Astrophysical Processes
- 27pTC-7 カオス位相同期のsoft転移・hard転移に対するリヤプノフスペクトル解析(27pTC その他の力学系モデル,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
- 28aPS-45 大自由度カオス力学系の拡大率スペクトル(28aPS ポスターセッション,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
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- 大偏差ネットワーク解析
- Relaxation and Hysteresis in a Periodically Forced Swift-Hohenberg System(General and Mathematical Physics)
- On the Origin of Galactic TeV Unidentified Sources(Chapter 6. SN1006 Milenium Special Session, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- 21pGS-13 カオス時系列の一般化ランジュバン方程式による解析(21pGS 力学系とその周辺,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
- 22pPSB-68 周期外力が加わったSwift-Hohenberg系における緩和とヒステリシス(22pPSB 領域11ポスターセッション,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
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- 射影演算子法の大偏差統計関数導出への応用 : 2011年12月28日に急逝した森肇九州大学名誉教授を偲んで (非線形問題)
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- グラフ上の酔歩と大偏差統計関数の非解析性
- 双曲性・非双曲性と拡大率スペクトル
- Network Analysis Based on Statistical-Thermodynamics Formalism
- Various Synchronization Phenomena in Discrete-Time Coupled Chaotic Rotors
- Galactic Modulation of Extragalactic Cosmic Rays : A Possible Origin of the Knee in the Cosmic Ray Spectrum(Astrophysics and Relativity)
- Characteristic Structures of Power Spectra in Periodic Chaos-2-The Henon Map,the Driven Damped Pendulum and the Rossler System