Statistical Mechanics of a Spin-Boson System. III : A Closed Equation for the Partition Function : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
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A closed integral equation for the partition function of a spin-boson system is obtained by the use of the coherent state representation of boson. This is accomplished by the use of new method of taking the thermal average by differential operations. The dynamic compensation theorem for the thermodynamic fluctuation is proved without employing a series expansion of the partition function as done in our previous works. The zeroth approximation to the equation is shown to be the decoupling approximation introduced previously, as naturally expected.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1991-01-25
都築 俊夫
Department of Physics, Tohoku University
Tsuzuki Toshio
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kyushu University
- 座談会 : 地震と大学
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- スピン-ボソン系における非断熱効果と動的補償定理
- Ground State of a Spin-Boson System. II : Wavefunction and Variational Study : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- 29p-W-2 二準スピン-ボソン系の基底状態
- Dynamics of a Spin-Boson System : How Does the Dynamic Compensation Manifest Itself : Condensed Matter and Statis tical Physics
- Statistical Mechanics of a Spin-Boson System. III : A Closed Equation for the Partition Function : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- スピン-ボソン系における非断熱効果と動的補償定理(進化の力学への場の理論的アプローチ,研究会報告)
- 5a-Q-10 スピン-ボソン系における非断熱効果と動的補償定理
- Statistical Mechanics of a Spin-Boson System. II : Thermodynamics in a Decoupling Approximation : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
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- Dynamic Compensation Theory of a Spin-Boson System
- Rigorous Quantum Mechanics and Dynamics of an Inversion Symmetric Spin-Boson System
- Ground State of a Spin-Boson System-2-Wavefunction and Variational Study
- Dynamics of a Spin-Boson System--How Does the Dynamic Compensation Manifest Itself
- Statistical Mechanics of a Spin-Boson System-3-A Closed Equation for the Partition Function
- Statistical Mechanics of a Spin-Boson System-2-Thermodynamics in a Decoupling Approximation
- Statistical Mechanics of a Spin-Boson System--The Dynamic Compensation Theorem and the Exact Partition Function
- Quantum Langevin Dynamics of a Two State System Coupled to a Bosonic Bath-2- (Complex Dynamics in Nonlinear Systems)
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- Ground State of a Spin-Boson System--The Dynamic Compensation Theorem and the Orthogonality Theorem
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- Y. Nagaoka and H. Fukuyama 編: Anderson Localization; Proceedings of the 4th Taniguchi International Symposium, Sanda-shi, 1981, Springer-Verlag, Berlin and New York, 1982, xii+226ページ, 24×16cm, 11,250円 (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, Vol. 39).
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- E. N. Economou: Gree's Functions in Quantum Physics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, vi+251ページ, 24×16cm, 6,600円 (Springer Series in Solid State Sciences, Vol. 7).
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