Quantum Langevin Dynamics of a Two-State System Coupled to a Bosonic Bath
座談会 : 地震と大学
9p-H-4 超伝導のゆらぎとHall効果 : 反磁性電流
2p-GC-1 超伝導の揺ぎによる非線型反磁性帯磁率
1a-LF-9 準一次元導体におけるPeierls-Frohlich 相関の理論
Dilute solution of He^3 in superfluid He^4
31p-PSB-38 繰込みの中心多様体理論II, 電子-フォノン系
31p-PSB-37 繰込みの中心多様体理論I. スピンボゾン系
31a-XD-10 繰込みのFlow Equationの方法II
28a-PS-72 繰込みのflow equationの方法
Dynamic Compensation Theory of a Spin-Boson System : General and Mathematical Physics
Rigorous Quantum Mechanics and Dynamics of an Inversion Symmetric Spin-Boson System
Ground State of a Spin-Boson System. II : Wavefunction and Variational Study : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
29p-W-2 二準スピン-ボソン系の基底状態
Dynamics of a Spin-Boson System : How Does the Dynamic Compensation Manifest Itself : Condensed Matter and Statis tical Physics
Statistical Mechanics of a Spin-Boson System. III : A Closed Equation for the Partition Function : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
5a-Q-10 スピン-ボソン系における非断熱効果と動的補償定理
Statistical Mechanics of a Spin-Boson System. II : Thermodynamics in a Decoupling Approximation : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Statistical Mechanics of a Spin-Boson System : The Dynamic Compensation Theorem and the Exact Partition Function : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Quantum Langevin Dynamics of a Two State System Coupled to a Bosonic Bath. II : Complex Dynamics in Nonlinear Systems
3a-L-4 超伝導合金の理論とNb-Ta系のHc_2の異方性
2a-S-15 2成分Soliton系の古典統計力学
Dynamic Compensation Theory of a Spin-Boson System
Rigorous Quantum Mechanics and Dynamics of an Inversion Symmetric Spin-Boson System
Ground State of a Spin-Boson System-2-Wavefunction and Variational Study
Dynamics of a Spin-Boson System--How Does the Dynamic Compensation Manifest Itself
Statistical Mechanics of a Spin-Boson System-3-A Closed Equation for the Partition Function
Statistical Mechanics of a Spin-Boson System-2-Thermodynamics in a Decoupling Approximation
Statistical Mechanics of a Spin-Boson System--The Dynamic Compensation Theorem and the Exact Partition Function
Quantum Langevin Dynamics of a Two State System Coupled to a Bosonic Bath-2- (Complex Dynamics in Nonlinear Systems)
Energy Spectra of a Spin-Boson System in the White Bath Limit
Ground State of a Spin-Boson System--The Dynamic Compensation Theorem and the Orthogonality Theorem
Quantum Langevin Dynamics of a Two-State System Coupled to a Bosonic Bath
6a-C5-9 熱浴中の二準位系と確率微分方程式
Quantum Statistical Mechanics of Spin Systems in the Coherent State Representation
An Improved Transfer Matrix Method for Quantum Spin Systems-2-Isotropic Heisenberg Chain with Spin 1/2
An Improved Transfer Matrix Method for Quantum Spin Systems
Quantum Statistical Mechanics of Soliton Bearing Systems.-2-The Use of the Coherent State of Spin
Y. Nagaoka and H. Fukuyama 編: Anderson Localization; Proceedings of the 4th Taniguchi International Symposium, Sanda-shi, 1981, Springer-Verlag, Berlin and New York, 1982, xii+226ページ, 24×16cm, 11,250円 (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, Vol. 39).
Quantum Statistical Mechanics of Soliton Bearing Systems.-1-The Use of the Coherent State Representation
12a-M-5 ソリトン系の量子統計力学
22. 電場効果について(アンダーソン局在の総合的研究,科研費研究会報告)
2a-S-14 ソリトン系の統計力学
E. N. Economou: Gree's Functions in Quantum Physics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, vi+251ページ, 24×16cm, 6,600円 (Springer Series in Solid State Sciences, Vol. 7).
27a-S-2 電荷密度波の発生とピン止め機構
真木和美氏からの手紙 : LT 14 印象記
10p-L-2 超伝導体・超流動体における臨界現象
28p-PS-40 熱溶中の二準位系の量子論的ランジュヴァン力学(28p PS 統計力学・物性基礎論)