Pole Model of Non-Leptonic Decay Consistent with Decay Parameters and Sum Rules
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Considering the difficulties to get decay parameters and sum rules consistently and the ill forbiddeness of K_1^0→2π in SU(3) limit, we reject the prejudice that the non-leptonic decay can be expressed with trilinear interaction, and instead adopt the pole model with all two-body type weak interactions that are CP invariant, λ_6-like and constructed from baryon octet, pseudoscalar meson octet and vector meson nonet with actual mass splittings. It follows, then, that i) Σ^+→n+π^+ is uniquely determined to be pure P-wave process consistent with both of the recent experiments and result on SU_6 theory; ii) experimental values of six α's and γ's are consistently reproduced by means of four parameters including weak and strong F/D ratios whose fittest values are F/D=2/3 (the value suggested by the SU_6 theory) consistent with experimental values ~1/(√<3>); iii) with the fixed parameters there hold exactly or approximately six sum rules for each of S and P waves. These sum rules include relations obtained on the SU_6 theory and two new ones for the P wave. It is also shown that K_1^0→2π is allowed with right order owing to our assumptions, contrasting with its forbiddeness with trilinear interaction at the SU_3-symmetry limit.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1966-01-25
Kawasaki S.
Department Of Materials Engineering Science Graduate School Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Kawasaki Shoichiro
Department Of Physics College Of Arts And Science Chiba University
Kawasaki Shoichiro
Department Of Physics College Of Arts And Sciences Chiba University
Kawasaki Shoichiro
Department Of Physics Chiba University
IMOTO Mitsuo
Department of Physics, College of Science and Engineering Nihon University
Physical Institute, Faculty of Liberal Arts Ibaraki University
Furui Shin-ya
Physical Institute Faculty Of Liberal Arts Ibaraki University
Imoto Mitsuo
Department Of Physics And Atomic Energy Research Institute College Of Science And Engineering Nihon
IMOTO Mitsuo
Department of Physics, and Atomic Energy Research Institute College of Science and Engineering, Nihon University
KAWASAKI Shoichiro
Department of Physics, College of Arts and Sciences Chiba University
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