Radiative Correction to Atomic Levels from Muon and from Hadron Vacuum Polarization Phenomena
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1973-11-25
- SU(3) Crossing Relation for Meson-Baryon Scattering and Regge Pole Theory
- Atomic Energy Levels and Gyromagnetic Ratios in SU_2 Quantum Universal Enveloping Algebra : Particles and Fields
- Electromagnetic Mass Difference of Octet Baryons in SU_3 for u, d and c Quark Sector
- BMO and PPST Approaches to Meson States in Broken SU_4 Symmetry
- Inequalities among Baryon Masses
- Set of Supersymmetric Oscillators
- Implications of Duality for K^^-K Resonances and A2 Splitting
- Meson and Baryon Families as Vibronic States in sl(2) Quantum Universal Enveloping Algebra : Particles and Fields
- Masses of Bosons with Higher Spins and the Spectral Function Sum Rules
- Magnetic Moments of Nuclei and g Factors for Baryons and Quarks in SU_2 Quantum Universal Enveloping Algebra : Particles and Fields