分権改革下の地方教育行政における「民衆統制 : 岐阜県における知事主導の「教育改革」(<特集>国家の教育責任と地方分権 : 「学校」の変貌を問う)
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Decentralization reform has not been accomplished sufficiently enough, but some local governments are beginning to implement active educational administration. Now we can see two issues coming to the front - the relation between governor's department and board of education, and the relation between prefectural board of education and municipal board of education -. Concerning the first issue, namely "popular control", there is a friction of opinions. The purpose of this paper is to study what educational policies have been formed and implemented under what system and process, especially how two relations mentioned above have been organized and structurally changed. The object of this paper is Gifu prefecture that has had a governor who is a member of reformative governors and that has reformed the local educational system and started some new and original local measures which have not been enforced by national government. According to the analysis of this paper, Gifu prefecture are changing the administrative direction from control over municipalities to support of them, holding up "children-centered policy" and "participatory administration". But in the structure of educational administration. a new system has been made on which the govemor is able to influence the board of education more strongly. For example, deliberative organizations composed of the governor, the chairperson of prefectural assembly and the chief of board of education, and the similar organizations by which mayors can influence municipal boards of education have been established. This system is called "democratic control" of educational administration in Gifu prefecture. It is different from "popular control" that is one of the fundamental principles of educational administration in post-war Japan. It means the control over board of education by a governor. In Gifu prefecture, top-down type education reform has been led by the governor, pupils and students have been regarded as customers and autonomy of schools and municipal boards of education have not been given serious consideration enough. "Democratic control" has a contradiction of stripping of more contents from a board of education conversely. The number of education reforms which are led by govemors and mayors are increasing. To study on the contradiction and future of "popular control" in contemporary educational administration is the theoretical and practical challenge of educational administration.
- 日本教育学会の論文
- 2004-06-30
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