クリティカルパスにおける薬剤管理指導業務 : 小児斜視手術患者の一週間入院への取り組み
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A critical pathway (CP) in the infant strabismus operation was introduced and improvements in the efficiency of pharmaceutical management and counseling services in a patient were examined. CP was introduced in order to carry out an appropriate drug control and medication instructions during a short period hospitalization of about 1 week, and the medication instructions were thus made. The subjects in this trial of CP consisted of pediatric patients who underwent the strabismus operation and were only hospitalized for 1 week. The vertical line of the CP table for the medication staff consisted of such items as care service and medication performed by doctors, nurses, and pharmacists, On the other hand, items such as inspection,treatment and consultation received by the medication staffs were set on the vertical line of the CP table for the patient. The horizontal line cerve y in both CP tables was divided into 8 parts. Each part has columns to check the achievements of these items, which allow both the staffs and the patients to observe the schedule for 1 week. The records of medication instruction were divided into 3 parts, which included entering and leaving the hospital, and pre-operation and post-operation. The instruction items were listed in an orderly sequence, which was easy to explain,and it was confirrrled by a check off system. As a result, the compliance improved, because the post-operative medication was chosen from 2 dosage forms, namely fine grain or capsule. It was thus possible to prevent guidance leakage using the checking systems, and thereby standardization and efficiency both improved. In addition to this, it was possible to transmit information to the doctors, nurses, and pharmacists using this CP table sheet. According to the concept of pharmaceutical care, it seemed to be very important to closely monitor the patients' compliance by pharmacists after being discharged from the hospital, because most patients who undergo the strabismus operation are infants.
- 日本医療薬学会の論文
- 2001-08-10
五味田 裕
二神 幸次郎
長谷部 聡
大月 洋
佐藤 智昭
佐藤 智昭
荒木 博陽
豊田 倫子
井上 和昭
仲倉 俊恵
佐藤 智昭
大月 洋
大月 洋
大月 洋
岡山大学 医学部眼科学教室
長谷部 聡
岡山大学 大学院医歯薬学総合研究科眼科学
大月 洋
長谷部 聡
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