中学生における混合味の識別能について(第2報) : 混合味の濃度差の識別
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Discriminating ability of mixed taste was studied to know the readiness for taste education of junior high school students. In this paper, discriminating ability among the differences of seasoning concentration was examined by sensory evaluation using the model samples of Japanese noodle soup. Influence of students' preference was also investigated. Results were summarized as follows : 1. More than 60% of junior high school and university students preferred convenient type soup to homemade type soup. 2. Students preferring convenient type soup had inferior discriminating ability on the difference of saltiness between convenient and homemade type soup than students preferring homemade type soup. 3. No difference in saltiness perception was indicated by the students. 4. Students preferring convenient type soup discriminated the difference of seasoning concentration of the same type of soup, while they could not discriminate that of the other type of soup. The same tendency was observed on the students preferring homemade type soup. 5. These results suggest the importance of taste education in junior high school.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 1995-12-20
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