小学校における家庭生活指導について : 「家庭科」と家庭生活指導とのかかわり
- 論文の詳細を見る
The objective of this study was to examine the realities of teaching education for home and family living and home economics education in 1951, and then to examine the relation between education for home and family living and home economics education since then. The results were as follows : 1. Education for home and family living was generally weakly covered in 1951, for reasons resting with the schools' side, teachers' side and the parental side. 2. Home economics education was disrupted at the beginning of 1951, because classes in home economics education were not provided at many schools, against the intention of the Ministry of Education. Most of these schools have introduced home economics education classes of two hours a week since then, however, and home economics education is now a part of education for home and family living, however. 3. The individuality of home economics education has been indicated since 1951, and is now a part of education for home and family living teaching knowledge and for education in food, clothing and shelter. The contents of guidance on skills in food, clothing and shelter decrease gradually whenever study courses are revised, however.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 2001-10-01
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