21. Influence of xylitol solution on morphological feature of hydroxyapatites-2nd report-(8th Annual Meeting of the Society of Hard Tissue Biology July 24, 1999 in Asahikawa)
Department of Ultrastructural Science, Tokyo Dental College
Department of Ultrastructural Science, Tokyo Dental College
Shimoda Shinji
Department Of Medicine And Biosystemic Science Kyushu University Graduate School Of Medical Sciences
Shimoda Shinji
Department Of Anatomy School Of Dental Medicine Tsurumi University
Department of Anatomy, Tsurumi University School of Dental Medicine
Miake Yasuo
Department Of Ultrastructural Science Tokyo Dental College
見明 康雄
Miake Yasuo
Department Of Ultrastructual Science Tokyo Dental College
Yanagisawa Takaaki
Department Of Ophthalmology Daisan Hospital
Kawasaki Kenzo
Department Of Anatomy I Tsurumi University School Of Dental Medicine
Shimoda Shinji
Department of Oral Anatomy, Tsurumi University, School of Dental Medicine
- MIと再石灰化(MIを考える(1))
- P04.縁上歯石での形態と組成における加齢変化(一般演題抄録,第5回日本再生歯科学会)
- 歯肉縁上歯石の形態と組成における加齢変化
- 口腔・歯牙機能再構築のための高機能素材の開発
- 従来型グラスアイオノマーセメントの脱灰抑制効果に及ぼす酸化亜鉛配合の影響
- 唾液タンパク質の吸着特性を制御した生体新素材の開発
- フノリ抽出物と第2リン酸カルシウム配合キシリトールガムおよびカゼインホスホペプチド-非結晶性リン酸カルシウム複合体配合キシリトールガムの実験的初期齲蝕エナメル質に及ぼす再石灰化促進効果
- ディオプサイド表面に析出するハイドロキシアパタイトの成長機構
- 化学療法を受けた小児白血病児の形成障害歯に関する病理組織学的検討
- 唾液による歯牙硬組織石灰化度の恒常性維持の解明
- 上顎洞結石の成分分析
- Analysis of HLA-DRB1 polymorphisms in Japanese patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) : The HLA-DRB1 polymorphism determines the relative risk of antinuclear antibodies for disease progression in PBC
- 口腔・顎顔面機能再構築のための高機能素材の開発
- Transforming growth factor beta inducible apoptotic cascade in epithelial cells during rat molar tooth eruptions
- Body surface area is an independent factor contributing to the effects of lamivudine treatment
- P1-69 再植歯とインプラント体の上皮接着機構の比較検討 : 電子顕微鏡学的研究(消化管,一般演題,第48回日本組織細胞化学会総会(第8回日中合同組織細胞化学セミナー) 第39回日本臨床分子形態学会総会 合同学術集会)
- 唾液タンパク質の吸着特性を制御した生体新素材の開発
- 慢性フッ素中毒におけるラット切歯成熟期エナメル質の高分解能電顕的研究
- Application of Thermography in Dentistry : Visualization of Temperature Distribution on Oral Tissues
- 唾液による歯牙硬組織石灰化度の恒常性維持の解明
- 唾液による歯牙硬組織石灰化度の恒常性維持の解明
- 実験的初期齲蝕エナメル質に及ぼすフノリ抽出物と第2リン酸カルシウムを配合したキシリトールタブレットの再石灰化促進効果
- 実験的初期齲蝕病巣におけるフノリ抽出物と第2リン酸カルシウムを配合したキシリトール粒ガムの再石灰化促進効果のin vivo評価
- フノリ抽出物と第2リン酸カルシウムを配合したキシリトールチューインガムの実験的初期鶴蝕エナメル質に及ぼす再石灰化促進効果
- フノリ抽出物と第2リン酸カルシウム配合キシリトールチューインガムおよびタブレットの再石灰化促進効果
- 再石灰化に及ぼすキシリトール,フノリ抽出物,第2リン酸カルシウムの影響
- 再石灰化に及ぼす糖アルコールとカルシウム剤の影響
- エナメル質脱灰層の再石灰化におよぼすキシリトールの効果に関する研究
- ラット臼歯の歯根形成に伴う象牙芽細胞の形態変化
- 萌出後の歯牙硬組織の成熟・再石灰化と唾液
- 萌出後の歯牙硬組織の成熟・再石灰化と唾液
- Predictive role of anti-gp210 and anticentromere antibodies in long-term outcome of primary biliary cirrhosis
- Morphological and Crystallographic Properties of Tooth Enameloid of Medaka (Oryzias latipes)
- 根未完成歯再植後の根管閉塞
- Effectiveness of a radiology-anatomy instructional module in a clinical course on oral radiology
- IL-2 Receptor γChain Expression on CD34 Positive Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells from Bone Marrow and Cord Blood
- 朋出後のエナメル質の成熟に及ぼす唾液の影響
- 5A11 唾液による歯牙硬組織石灰化度の恒常性維持の解明
- 重度身体障害者療護施設の訪問歯科診療による口腔衛生指導と齲蝕処置状況
- 14. 生体活性型セラミック(diopside)に誘導される新生結晶に関する高分解能電顕的研究
- Retinochoroidal infarction during the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- Allogenic bone marrow transplantation for late-infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
- Home-based palliative care for children with cancer in Japan, present issues and future prospects
- Application of PVA Sponge as a Biomaterial-lmplantation of PVA Sponge into Masseter Muscle-
- 21. Influence of xylitol solution on morphological feature of hydroxyapatites-2nd report-(8th Annual Meeting of the Society of Hard Tissue Biology July 24, 1999 in Asahikawa)
- 18. Influence of xylitol solution on morphological feature of hydroxyapatites.
- キシリトールガムの実験的初期齲蝕エナメル質に及ぼす再石灰化促進効果 : フノリ抽出物と第二リン酸カルシウム配合キシリトールガムとリン酸化オリゴ糖カルシウム配合キシリトールガムとの比較
- エナメル質の成熟と再石灰化におよぼす唾液の影響
- 脱灰エナメル質の再石灰化に及ぼす唾液の影響
- 実験的エナメル質脱灰層の再石灰化に及ぼすキシリトールの影響
- 2-1). Antigen Peptide Analog : Induction of T cell Anergy in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
- 酸化亜鉛配合グラスアイオノマーセメントの象牙質脱灰の抑制効果
- Fluoride and apatite formation in vivo and in vitro
- Changes in Dental Enamel Crystals by Bleaching
- Er : YAG レーザー照射による象牙質表層の構造変化
- Calcification of Pulp Canal Space after Replantation of Immature Rat Molars
- SEM Observation of Collagen Fibrils Secreted from the Body Surface of Osteoblasts on a CO_3apatite-collagen Sponge
- Effect of Remaining Periodontal Ligament on the Healing-up of the Implant Placement(International Symposium of Maxillofacial and Oral Regenerative Biology in Okayama 2005)
- 5A10 唾液タンパク質の吸着特性を制御した生体新素材の開発
- Anatomical variations in the tendon sheath of the first compartment
- On the Adsorption Mode of Tetracycline in Hard Tissue
- 実験的脱灰エナメル質の再石灰化におよぼす唾液の影響
- コルヒチン投与によるラット切歯象牙芽細胞と象牙質の超微構造的変化
- Detailed Consideration of Physicochemical Properties of CO_3apatites as Biomaterials in Relation to Carbonate Content Using ICP, X-ray Diffraction, FT-IR, SEM, and HR-TEM
- Adhesion of 4-META/MMA-TBB resin to heated dentin: effects of pre-treatments with FeCl3 and/or HEMA
- Investigation of Structure of Dentin Formative Disturbances Caused by Antineoplastic Agents
- Alkaline Phosphatase activity revealed by undecalcified frozen sections of the periodontal ligament of rat molars during tooth movement
- Effect of Conventional Glass-Ionomer Cement with Zinc Oxide in Inhibiting Dentin Demineralization In Vitro
- Remineralization effects of xylitol on demineralized enamel
- Remineralization in Enamel Caries and Restoration of Carious Lesions by Enhanced Remineralization Induced by Saliva and Xylitol
- Collective Flow at AGS and SPS
- Degradation of Collagen in the Developing Enameloid of Sea Bream
- A Volume Evaluation of Dental Caries in a Mouse with the Use of the Micro-CT Scan
- Growth and Formation of the Tooth Germ in a Rat Model of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- Abnormal Collagen Aggregates Induced in Rat Incisor Dentin after Sodium Fluoride Administration
- High-resolution electron microscopy of enamel-crystal demineralization and remineralization in carious lesions
- 17. Remineralization of enamel by Xylitol.
- Observation of Fluorine Invasion Condition in White Spots of Human Enamel Treated with Fluoride
- Transition of Fluoride into Tooth Substance from Sustained Fluoride-Releasing Sealant : In vitro Evaluation
- Immunocytochemistry of keratan sulfate proteoglycan and dermatan sulfate proteoglycan in porcine tooth-germ dentin
- Morphometric and immunohistochemical investigation of tooth development in rats prenatally exposed to ethanol
- Slc39a13/Zip13 : A Crucial Zinc Transporter Involved in Tooth Development and Inherited Disorders
- Systemic chemotherapy as a new conservative treatment for intraocular retinoblastoma
- High-resolution electron microscopical observations of initial enamel crystals
- Histological Study of the Periodontal Ligament and Alveolar Bone in Magnesium-deficient Rats
- 象牙質の鉛ラベリング法の改良について
- Vigorous cleaning and adequate ventilation are necessary to control an outbreak in a neonatal intensive care unit
- Collective Flow at AGS and SPS
- 20. 形成障害象牙質に出現する異常コラーゲンの形成と石灰化に関する電顕的研究
- ビンブラスチン投与によるラット発育期象牙芽細胞の超微構造的変化に関する研究
- An inadequate dose of ribavirin is related to virological relapse by chronic hepatitis C patients treated with pegylated interferon alpha-2b and ribavirin
- Missense mutation of EDA1 gene in Japanese family with X-linked anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
- Pegylated interferon α-2b plus ribavirin for Japanese chronic hepatitis C patients with normal alanine aminotransferase
- Immunolocalization of TAK1, TAB1, and p38 in the developing rat molar
- Early extensive viremia, but not rs8099917 genotype, is the only predictor for cholestatic hepatitis C after living-donor liver transplantation