- 論文の詳細を見る
Reconstruction of local bone defects in the jaw is a maior problem in oral and maxillofacial surgery. And various forms of mandibular reconstruction will be applied. A variety of materials has been utilized to provide restoration of continuity to the mandible following loss of substance and spaces. These naterials include the autogenous bone, metallic reconstruction bar and alloplastics. Autogenous bone graft represent the present main stay of grafting, although an amount of available bone is limited and its use involves a second operation. Recently many kinds of synthetic mater ials for bone substitute have been developed. Especially, hydroxyapatite(HA) is considered one of tbe best bioactive ceramics for bone substitute because of its superior osteoconductivity. However, it does not posses osteoinductive activity by itself, so it can not repair a bone defect like an autogenous bone. On the other hand, it is well known that a certain protein in bone matrix, which was termed Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP), can induce endochondral bone formation in extraskeletal site. If we can utilize BMP to bone subsutitute, it will be ideal for the reconstruction of bone defects. In the application of BMP to biomaterials, it is necessary to use it together with a suitable BMP carrier because of its diffusibility. Asahina reported the availability of atel ocollagen (AC) as a BMP carrier. AC is prepared from calf skin collagen with antigenic telopeptide removed by pepsin treatment. We have made a composite of HA, AC, and crude BMP as a bone-inductve biomaterial. The bone-inducing and bone-regenerating potency of the composite has been examined by implantation in rats, and monkeys.
- 硬組織再生生物学会の論文
- 1996-07-10
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