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In order to establish a high sensitive ELISA for deoxynivalenol (Don), worldwide occurring in cereal grains contaminated Fusarium graminearum, specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against DON were newly prepared. The immunogen was prepared as follows ; 3-acetyl DON (3ADON) was reacted with anhydride hemiglutarated, and the resulted 3ADON hemigultarate (3ADON-HG) was deacylated by acetylase. The product, DON-HG, was coupled to bovine serum albumin (BSA) and ovalbumin by mixed anhydride reaction. Spleen cells from the mice immunized with DON-HG-BSA were fused with SP2/O myeloma. After HAT selection and cloning, five anti-DON antibody producing hybridomas (DON.1-5) were obtained. In the indirect competitive ELISA with horseradish peroxides-labeled second antibody and 3, 3', 5, 5' -tetramethly benzidine as substrate (HRP/TMBZ method), the detection limit was 100 ng/ml with DON. 1 or DON.3. The sensitive DON.1 and DON.3 cross-reacted with nivalenol (5 and 6%), and 15-acectyl DON (267 and 333%), respectively. DON.3 cross-reacted less than 0.5% other trichothecens. To improve the sensitivity, alkaline phosphatase-labeled second antibody and NADP as substrate (enzyme amplification method, ALP/NADP method) was established. The detection limit in the ALP/NDAP method using DON.3 was 5 ng/ml, 20-fold sensitive than the HRP/TMBZ method. Using the ALO/NDAP method, the quantification of DON in wheat and naked barley was performed. 70% aqueous methanol extract from wheat or naked barley was evaporated, and the residue dissolved in 0.01M phosphate buffered saline pH7.4 containing 0.05% Tween 20 and 10% methanol was subjected the ELISA. The detection limit was 50 ng/g. The average recovery of DON spiked in the range 50 to 2,500 ng/g was 105%. Survey natural occurrence has revealed that 18 out of 20 cereal samples in Japan were positive. The ELISA data were closely correlated with those gas chromatography (r^2=0.988). Application of the present ELISA in combination with an enzyme amplification system is expected for mass screenin
- 香川大学の論文
- 2005-02-15
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