- 論文の詳細を見る
Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a potent renal carcinogen, which is produced several species of Aspergillus and Penicillum. OTA was widely contaminated to various foods and feeds. Sera and tissues of livestock and human were polluted by this mycotoxin. In this study, the methods of immunoaffinity column (IAC)-linked HPLC was established for determination of OTA in commercial coffee, wine, grape-juice and beer collected in Japan. Nine out of 10 canned coffee samples (90%) samples were positive (detection limit was 3 pg/mL). All of 12 instant coffee samples (100%) were positive, but all of 10 regular coffee samples were negative (detection limit was 60 pg/g). The averages of OTA in canned and instant coffee were 28pg/ml and 1,225 pg/g, respectively. 18 out of 44 red wine (46%) was positive (detection limit was 3 pg/mL). The average was 46 pg/mL. 6 out to 20 (30%) red wine samples made in Japna were contaminated with OTA 4 pg/mL in the average. All of 5 red wine samples made in Italy and 7 red wines in France were polluted with OTA 47 and 77 pg/mL in the average, respectively. While, OTA were not detected in any of 12 red wine made in USA, Australia, Chile and the Republic of South Africa. One out of 5 white wine (20%), 3 out of 5 rose wine (60%) and 2 out of 12 grape juice (17%) samples were positive. The averages were 6, 24 and 6 pg/ml, respectively. 13 out of 20 beer samples (65%) were contaminated with OTA 11 pg/mL in the average.
- 2005-02-15
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