- 論文の詳細を見る
A device was invented for recording pulsation of the dorsal vessel in intact insects. A constant light beam projected on the heart or the aorta of the dorsal vessel through the middorsal cuticle was reflected on the photo-cell in a pick-up. Direction of the reflected light beam, as being fluctuated by pulsation, was detected by photoelectric effect of the photo-cell and its change was converted to the potential difference. The potential change amplified to record a mechanocardiogram with the pen-writing oscillograph. The pick-up was a bridge and consisted of two constant 50K ohm each, and one variable resistance and photoconductive element. A CdS-cell was used instead of the photo-cell in the previous work. The mechano-cardiograms recorded with the present new type pick-up were essentially the same as those done with the old one. However, the new pick-up was more effective in recording the mechanocardiograms of the larvae, pupae and adults of Bombyx mori, Dioryctria splendidella, Sphingidae sp., Lucanus maculifemoratus and Hyphantria cunea, because of its compact size, low power consumption and high sensitivity ; 14 to 17 times as sensitive as the old one.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1975-03-25
- ハバチ類によるカラマツ林の食葉被害と生長低下
- カラマツハラアカハバチ(Pristifora erichsoni)幼虫に対する鳥類の捕食活動の増大
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- 木曽地方におけるマツノクロホシハバチの漸増大発生終息に関する考察(I) : 終息の決定的要因としての餌欠乏
- ○野生鳥獣と人間生活(自然保護施策の理論と実際), 池田真次郎著, 414pp., A5版, 図55,表74,写真82,インパルス, 東京, 1971,2500円
- ○森林の病気 : 森林病理学と森林保護学の教科書.第3版, (Waldkrankheiten : Ein Lehrbuch der Forstpathologie und des Forstschutzes.3 Auflage), (独文), Fritz SCHWERDTFEGER著, B5版, 509ページ, 図表256,Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg u.Berlin, 1970,(邦価7,820円)
- 森林衛生学概説(生態学的調整への道, 入門書), (Grundzuge der Waldhygiene. Wege zur okologischen Regelung.Ein Leitfaden.)(独文), Erwin SCHIMITSCHEK著, B5版異型, 167ページ, 図および写真44,表24,Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg u.Berlin, 1969,(邦価, 4,140円)
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- 森林昆虫の有害性発現について
- 2.生態学的調整とその思想的背景(第2回森林動物シンポジウム)
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- B301 明治神宮における樹木の寄生線虫相(線虫)
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- 硫化カドミウムセル(CdS-cell)利用による昆虫背脈管脈動曲線の記録法
- Angewandte Entomologie, FRITZSCHE, R., H. GEILER und U. SEDLAG編, (1968), 778pp., VEB Gustav Eischer Verlag, Jena 発行, 定価DM87
- Pests and Diseases of Forest Plantation Trees, BROWNE, F.G.著, (1968), 1330pp., Clarendon Press, Oxford 発行, 定価 300s
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- 40 コガネムシ成虫に対する螢光燈の誘致範囲について(第1報)