放牧牛に襲来するアブ類の生態と防除 : 第1報 アブ3種の襲来刺咬活動とすみわけについて
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The diurnal biting activity and habitat segregation of 3 tabanid-flies attacking livestock were observed on 3 days, from July 24 to Aug.4,1967,in grazing land of Kyoto. A pair of steers were tied to a tree or pole all day long in 3 places ; A : watering place surrounded by a growth of oaks and elms, B : resting place situated about midway between A and C, and C : feeding place, 117m northwest of A, and the undergrowth was composed mainly of silvergrass and bracken. Of the 7 species of the horse flies occurring in this land, the whitish-maculate horse fly, Tabanus mandarinus SCHINER, Was dominant in A, and the giant horse fly, T. chrysurus LOEW, was dominant in C. In fine weather there were 2 peaks in the number of biting flies, one was in the morning, the air temperature being about 27℃ and the other in the late afternoon when the daylight intensity decreased rapidly. The biting activity, therefore, seemed to be regulated mainly by the diurnal changes of temperature and daylight intensity. Both giant and common (T. trigonus COQUILLETT) horse flies were found to be more attracted to black-setose steers than to the brown-setose ones. The former fly fed predominantly on the back, while the latter on the belly. The smallest mandarinus was found on the legs and neck. The segregation of these horse flies resulted from their variable preferences for the setigerous parts of the steer's body according to their head-lengths including the proboscis, and also to the intensity of illumination. There was also evidence of ecological coaction between the closely related species, chrysurus and trigonus.
- 1968-12-30
笹川 満広
吉田 璋
及部 昭夫
永野 幸七郎
永野 幸七郎
笹川 満広
- 放牧牛に襲来するアブ類の生態と防除 III : 曇天日におけるアブ 3 種の襲来刺咬活動とトラップによる成虫誘引効果(農学部門)
- 放牧牛に襲来するアブ類の生態と防除 : 第1報 アブ3種の襲来刺咬活動とすみわけについて
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- 258. トラップによるアブ類の誘殺効果
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- 日本産クワハモグリバエ(新種)の記載
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