- 論文の詳細を見る
Popation usually takes place on the surface of trunk of a ailanthus-tree on which the larval life is completed. However, the popae are often found on the surface of electric pole or wall of house. There were two major peaks of distribution of cocoons, and they occured at about the same height on each surface of ailanthus-tree and electric pole. Analyses of variance showed that the differences in the number of pupae between the surface-sections of trunk were insignificant. The biological observations on the larval stages of Parallelia arctotaenia GUENEE were carried out from 1960 to 1961 in Kyoto. Populations of this moty throughout the rose fields and gardens of Kinki district have become increased since 1958. The results of research are as follows: (1)Female moths lay eggs singly on the underside of young leaves. (2) Young larvae to 2nd instar feed on the underside of leaves, remaining the upper cuticle, and rest near the feeding places or on the main veins and petioles of leaves. Older larvae, however, eat through the leaf, mostly remaining the main vein and rest on the stems in the shade by days. Mature larvae make cocons and pupate in the soil or under the fallen leaves. (3) The majority of larvae have 5 moultings while oassing through 6 instars, but in male rarely 5 instars. Larval duration is about 17 days (Table 1). (4) From the day of hatching the largest width of head capsule of each larva was measured once a day with ocular micrometer (Table 2). It is possible to determine the instar of a larva by the measurement of the head width. (5) Larvae eat about 20 leaves to complete their development and the greatest amount of food was consumed by the last larval instar (Table 3). The relation between the larval instar (x) and the feeding area of leaf (y) is shown by the following formula: log y=0.84+0.56x. (6) Three to four generations occur in a year; hibernation in the pupal stage. Some puparia of 3rd generation overwintered and gave rise to adults in the following May-June (Table 4).
- 日本鱗翅学会の論文
- 1962-12-31
- 放牧牛に襲来するアブ類の生態と防除 III : 曇天日におけるアブ 3 種の襲来刺咬活動とトラップによる成虫誘引効果(農学部門)
- 放牧牛に襲来するアブ類の生態と防除 : 第1報 アブ3種の襲来刺咬活動とすみわけについて
- 放牧牛に襲来するアブ類の生態と防除 : 第2報 Manitoba fly trapによるアブ類の誘引効果
- モンシロチョウ幼虫と寄生蜂アオムシサムライコマユバチの空間的関係について(農学部門)
- 258. トラップによるアブ類の誘殺効果
- オオスカシバ幼虫の体色と発育に及ぼす生息密度の影響
- D224 キイロコキクイムシの初期攻撃過程に関与する2,3の要因について(昆虫相等)
- B-15 キイロコキクイムシの飛行行動(行動学・配偶行動)
- C-35 キイロコキクイムシの雄は果たして髪結いの亭主か?(行動学)
- E-13 アブラコバエ2種の生態(分類学・形態学・生活史)
- B318 クリイガアブラムシの発生消長と移動・分散との関係について(アブラムシ類1)
- キイロコキクイムシの集合フェロモンへの反応と寄生内密度調節との関係
- キイロコキクイムシの発育経過と再寄生 : 松穿材害虫管理に関する基礎的研究 第3報
- ナモグリバエの生態学的研究 : 第 3 報 成虫の摂食・産卵習生について(農学部門)
- 153 キイロコキクイムシ処女雌分泌フェロモンの誘引効果(一般講演)
- キイロコキクイムシの増殖に及ぼす親密度の影響(一般講演)
- 229.誘引源に対するキイロコキクイムシの行動
- 228.キイロコキクイムシの誘引実験
- 343. オオスカシバの親子二世代における飼育密度と幼虫体色および発育との関係(一般講演)
- 箕浦忠愛先生(1887〜1969)(磐瀬太郎会長追悼特別号)
- オオスカシバ幼虫多型はどうして現われるか(1968年総会講演要旨)
- 日本産クワハモグリバエ(新種)の記載
- 蛾類ノート(1)
- 日本産キノコバエについて (I)
- 日本産 NAPOMYZA 属の葉潜蠅に就いて
- 麦條葉潜蠅に関する生態学的研究(第 2 報) : 麦条葉潜蠅加害に対する麦類品種間差異