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We encounter indeed those patients who are called "problem patients" in our clinical practice at general hospitals; they manifest such characteristics as, 1) a discrepancy between complaints and the severity of the disease, 2) chronic complaints, 3) a clinging, demanding or aggressive attitude towards the doctor and nursing staff, etc. However, I don't think that they are by nature problem patients. The "problem" should be understood in the context of the doctor-patient relationship. The clinical case presented is a 53 year old female worker, who is also a housewife. She was referred to the psychiatrist, because her frequent abdominal pain was easily alleviated by a placebo injection, and her complaint of vomiting didn't seem to be real. In the first session, the patient told the psychiatrist that she had been suffering from abdominal pains for almost 30 years. No doctor could find the origin of those pains ; she expressed negative feelings towards the former internist in charge (Dr.A), but she idealized the current internist in charge (Dr.B) and the professor internist in the university hospital (Dr.C) with whom she sometimes consulted. She further told the psychiatrist about her stressors which consisted of problems caused by her family members (her son, her daughters and her husband). She also expressed negative feelings towards the nursing staff. During the 2 years when the psychiatrist saw her, Dr.B and his nursing staff encountered many troubles caused by the patient. Although she was hospitalized for 4-5 times and also received outpatient treatment, there were many exaggerated somatic complaints, frequent demands to stay out at home or to be discharged, along with her clinging, demanding and aggressive attitudes towards the hospital staff : there was also no cooperative attitude on the part of family members. Indeed, the very internist-patient relationship was in crisis and being broken. On the other hand, the psychiatrist couldn't play the expected role of arranging the troubled relationship, although he tried to listen to the patient and successfully empathized with her traumatic experiences. Eventually, only after the patient's psychological stressors had been almost all resolved, was the relationship re-established and the patient's panicky state diminished. However, I don't think the favourable result was brought about only through the improvement on the patient's part, but also through the re-stabilization of the internist's feelings towards the situation. In the "problem patient" phenomenon, it is crucial, I believe, that the doctor in charge should work through any negative feelings he may have towards his patient or the patient's characteristics mentioned above.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1990-06-01
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- 4年を経過した舌痛症患者に対する集団精神療法の報告
- 27. 愛知学院大歯学部附属病院第1口腔外科心療歯科グループ治療指針・ガイドライン(第51回日本心身医学会中部地方会演題抄録)
- 小児期の心的外傷が一因と考えられた義歯不適応症患者の1例
- 口腔内灼熱症候群におけるグループ精神療法の試み(第49回日本心身医学会中部地方会)
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- 境界性人格障害(BPD)の個人精神療法について治療者へのアンケート調査
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- I-B-1 摂食障害の長期経過例についての検討(摂食障害I)
- I-C-34 不安神経症者のライフコースとパーソナリティー : 男子例の精神療法過程から(シンポジウム関連演題(Panic Disorder)III)
- 7.パニック・ディスオーダーの薬物療法と精神療法の統合(第30回日本心身医学会中部地方会演題抄録)
- Anorexia Nervosa と Bulimia Nervosa との比較検討の試み : 第21回日本心身医学会中部地方会演題抄録
- II-E-60 身体表現性障害患者の短期の治療的効果についての統計学的研究 : 多変量解析を用いて(精神科IV)
- 心身症と身体表現性障害-精神医学の立場から-(心身症と身体表現性障害)(第27回日本心身医学会総会)
- II-D-31 身体表現性障害患者の下位診断についての統計学的研究 : 多変量解析を用いて(精神神経科III)
- I-E-34 精神分裂病とリエゾン精神医学(分裂病の合併症入院の場合)(リエゾンII)(一般口演)
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- I-D-9 心気的症状と心気症について(精神神経科(2))
- 19. 歯が抜け落ちてしまうという強迫観念からうつ状態を呈し,自殺に至ったと思われる1症例(第51回日本心身医学会中部地方会演題抄録)
- 18. 歯列不正の悩みがうつ病の発症,進行に関与したと思われる1症例(第51回日本心身医学会中部地方会演題抄録)
- II-E-31 心因性疼痛(身体表現性疼痛障害 : DSM-III-R)の亜型とその治療について(慢性疼痛II)
- II-C-32 男性摂食障害例の治療(摂食障害VI)
- ある患者(シェーグレン症候群)をめぐる治療関係の混乱について(問題症例をめぐって第30回日本心身医学会総会)
- II-B-39 心気症者にみられる薬剤への陰性反応(negative placebo effect)について(精神神経III)
- I-C-33 「鍵体験」を読める不安神経症の一群について(シンポジウム関連演題(Panic Disorder)III)
- 6.リエゾン領域におけるProblem Patientについて(第19回日本心身医学会中部地方会演題抄録)
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- 心気症患者への対応--患者のニ-ズと医療者の思い (日常診療に直結する精神科の知識)
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- 8.Conversionとしての不定愁訴を示した2男性例について(第29回日本心身医学会中部地方会演題抄録)
- 心身医学・診療に不可欠の精神医学の基本
- 15.家庭内暴力とBulimiaを示した1男性例(第23回日本心身医学会中部地方会演題抄録)
- WI-1 ある患者(シェーグレン症候群)をめぐる治療関係の混乱について(問題症例をめぐって)
- 13.心気症における医原性要因について(第15回日本心身医学会中部地方会演題抄録)
- 筋収縮性頭痛に対する筋弛緩療法の試み : 第13回日本心身医学会中部地方会演題抄録
- 19. 不安神経症を呈したある女性の治療過程について(第11回日本心身医学会中部地方会演題抄録)
- 外科的治療に至る消化性潰瘍の危険因子