頸性斜頸に対する行動療法 : 系統的脱感作法を用いて
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Of three cases of spasmodic torticollis that we encountered, Cases 1 and 2 were cured by systematic desensitization introduced by Wolpe, and the symptoms of Case 3 were alleviated by the progressive relaxation method and the administartion of tranquilizers. The present paper gives brief results of our study on these cases as well as some comments on the onset mechanism and the treatment of spasmodic torticollis in our cases with reference to the literature.Case 1 was a 21-year-old female who had developed spasmodic torticollis in the right side suddenly when her parents had refused to give consent to her marriage to the man of her desire, but her condition was ameliorated by systematic desensitization of her inward emotional tension towards people. However, on account of her disappointment in love it recurred, and she was cured by the progressive relaxation method, and at the ten month follow-up, her course was favorable.Case 2 was a 29-year-old male who had developed spasmodic torticollis due to some troubles in his personal relations at his workshop, but he has been cured by systematic desensitization.Case 3 was a 47-year-old housewife who had developed spasmodic torticollis gradually without any apparent cause. Besides her torticollis, there were observed tremor of the head and fingers, intention tremor and abnormality in her EEG. In addition, her second child also had finger tremor and although the etiology remains unknown, the case suggests the presence of some organic disorders. By the progressive relaxation method and the administration of tranquilizers, her torticollis alone was ameliorated but not other symptoms.Some of our suggetions about spasmodic torticollis in general (inclusive of our cases) are as follows ;1) Spasmodic torticollis may be divided, according to its onset mechanisms, into organic origin as main factors and psychogenic one. The latter is symptomatic of the functional weakness of organs induced by psychological precipitating factors.2) Orgainc spasmodic torticollis may more or less have psychoneurotic modifications.3) Psychogenic spasmodic torticollis can be cured by the progressive relaxation method and systematic desensitization which eliminate psychoneurotic development, whereas organic spasmodic torticollis can be alleviated by eradicating their additional psychoneurotic symptoms.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1974-04-01
高橋 幸夫
中島 豊爾
平田 潤一郎
高橋 幸夫
佐藤 光源
和気 章
安本 生子
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