長期加療中のてんかん者における発作誘発の因子 : とくに緊張弛緩因子について
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It is well known that there are some precipitating factors in epileptic seizure occurrence.For example, exhaution, fever, sleeplessness, and tension are mentioned as a precipitating factor by patients themselves.This report is concerned especially with the relaxation from tension state. Recently, we have found 10 patients of temporal lobe epilepsy with such a precipitating factor.The most typical case was reported in detail.Case M.T. 43 yr. FemaleHer seizures began at the age of 31. Since then she has been under anti-epileptic drug therapy. Recently she has seizures of focal sensory type and behavioral automatism. The most interesting is that she has had her seizures almost exclusively at her home, and in the evening.It is around the time when she finishes all the things which should be done as a housewife, she sees her family, and she feels happiest.Once her niece stayed at her home for 2 weeks. During this time she had no seizures at all. We checked the daily fluctuation of serum concentration level of anti-epileptic drugs. No significant differences were found in the samples taken in the morning and evening.The other 9 cases revealed almost the same features.We discussed mainly the difference in our patients from the circadian rhythm as "Feierabend" in grand mal epilepsy. We speculated that this phenomenon might come from the pathophysiological condition which the patients are in refractory course and heavy polypharmaceutical therapy. Such a state may serve to provoke a clinica seizuer at the time of relaxation as one of the precipitating factors.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1978-10-01
- 討論
- 長期加療中のてんかん者における発作誘発の因子 : とくに緊張弛緩因子について
- CI-15 長期加療中のてんかん者にみられる発作発現の修飾因子について : とくに側頭葉てんかんの場合(神経疾患(1))(第18回日本心身医学会総会)
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- 頸性斜頸に対する行動療法 : 系統的脱感作法を用いて
- 討論
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