上田庄三郎による子どもの個の発見と教育のユートピア : 雲雀ヶ岡学園の夢とその挫折
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This paper describes an educational utopia dreamed by Shozaburo Ueda (1894-1958) at a private experimental school, "Hibarigaoka Gakuen" (1925.9-1927.11) established in a new suburb of Chigasaki Town. In tracing his educational approach, the following three are pointed out : First, Ueda planned Hibarigaoka Gakuen depending on his idealization of children as "Sojin", the term which meant an individual who was free from social system and pursued value of life itself. He regarded the school as a place at where children acted freely and teacher protected them. Second, Ueda's idealization of children was a central cannon of his education as well as, paradoxically, a destructive conception of it. On the one hand, his first person narrative in educational journals displayed children's daily learning activities in the school, which represented his receptive look at children and his reflection on possibility of education in small events. On the other hand, his inquiries for "Education of Sojin" on public media became negative to capitalistic culture and bourgeois lives, which did not affirm childrens'lives unconditionally. Ueda resinged from his teaching job without solving this contradiction. Third, when Ueda was an educational journalist after retirement, he ceased to place his hope on children as perfect individuals and criticized educational theory in his articles. As he wrote articles without talking about children, he lost his educational utopia.
- 東京大学の論文
- 2001-03-15
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