日本語教育からみた北海道の国際化(<特集>共同研究報告 : 『国際化=異文化理解に関する方法論的研究 : 文化障壁を緩和するための効果的施策確立に関する考察』)
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Over the last ten years there has been a movement in many regions in Japan, of activating international exchange projects. Both the government and local authorities here tried to promote various projects for cross-cultural exchanges to strengthen the relations with other countries and to activate the districts themselves. One of the matters of interest was to establish a center or an office for international exchanges in each district. It was proposed and encouraged by the CLAIR (Council of Local Authorities for International Relations) and now 56 centers are dealing with various international projects. Since the late 80's, an increasing number of foreign students mostly from Asian countries and English teaching assistants from English speaking countries have been residing all over Japan. This is due to the government's decision to invite more foreign students and teachers from overseas and to give leadership to local authorities or organizations to activate district areas in terms of "internationalization". At the same time, awareness has grown of the importance of decentralization for the country's further development. The authors visited 20 international centers in different regions, and surveyed what projects they had mainly undertaken and what was regarded as being important for the participants. Nearly 80 percent of the centers had Japanese language courses for foreigners. Many of such courses are managed by volunteer Japanese-language teachers. Such inter-cultural volunteers seem to play a great role in the areas where many foreigners are residing. In the second and the third chapters, the authors try to look into the situation of Japanese language teaching in Hokkaido in relation to the regional development policy. They point out the characteristics of Japanese language education in Hokkaido, from the viewpoint of internationalization, after comparing to other districts. The metropolitan area and big cities have many foreigners with different purposes for staying in the country. Some are for studying or getting a professional training, and some are for living in Japan as returnees or refugees. The regional international centers in Kobe (Hyogo Pref.)and Kawasaki (Kanagawa Pref.) are devising various projects to support foreign residents. Providing Japanese language courses seems to be one of their main projects. Some regions put great emphasis on educating citizens for their understanding of international relations, and providing foreign residents Japanese language and cultural courses. For these regions the concept of internationalization should address local needs and involve the residents. In Hokkaido, on the contrary, the area has been developing with the influence of northern countries such as Canada, Russia, North America and China. The concept of internationalization here has been somewhat regarded as regional development. It is important for Hokkaido to learn more from advanced countries in order to improve the quality of life and education. But the most important issue may be promoting people's understanding of international relations. It is also expected that the local authority may porovide opportunities of teaching Japanese language and culture to any foreign residents who want to join. It may be a key for the area's internationalization whether or not all the citizens, including foreign residents, can be involved in the regional development.
- 北海学園大学の論文
- 1995-03-31
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