- 論文の詳細を見る
It is not always appropriate to regard all native speakers of English as one group as there are differences between native speakers of different varieties of English, differences in their length of study as well as individual differences. But drawing on previous research, the present research and the teaching experience of the writer, it was decided in this paper to describe some characteristics of the acquisition of Japanese pronunciation by English native speakers generally. The issues here are some problems at the syllables and those associated with prosody. Problems at the syllable level-Because English is a stress-timed language, this is a likely area for interference. In English there is a relation between the placement of the stressed accent and the length of the vowel. In contrast to Japanese where the syllables are treated as equal intervals of time, syllables in English with strong accents are lengthened and syllables with weak accents become ambiguous. The particular problems in this regard identified so far in the current research are shown in the paper. Problems associated with prosody-Problems of vowel and consonant length are often explained as problems of accents, rhythm or intonation. It is not easy for native speakers of stress-accented languages like English to grasp the sense of pitch-accented languages. But because pitch-accent perception is the basis of acquiring word and sentence intonation in Japanese, it can be thought of as more fundamentally important than problems of vowels and consonants. The paper suggests that the main causes of un-Japanese like pronunciation are deviations in the pitch-accent and in the sentence intonation. So for native speakers of English it is valid to concentrate on the acquisition of rhythm and intonation rather than the elements of sounds.
- 北海学園大学の論文
- 1996-10-31
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