ローマ字と日本の近代化 : ヘボン式に至るローマ字研究の歴史(<特集>共同研究報告 : 近代日本における文化・文明のイメージ)
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Roma-ji letters are now part of the Japanese writing system, together with Kanji and Kana. And one of the most well-known methods of romanization is called "Hepburn-shiki", or the Hepburn style. Dr. J. C. Hepburn was a Christian missionary as well as a highly qualified medical doctor and a literary scholar who came to Japan in 1859, at the end of the Edo Era. He devised and established the method of romanization during the Meiji Era, which led to a revolution of the whole Japanese writing system. He dedicated himself to Japanese modernization; he taught Japanese people English and Western culture, and published a dictionary of English and Japanese for both foreigners and Japanese. In his dictionary, words were transliterated in Roma-ji alongside their original Kanji and Kana forms, so that anybody could read them without too much difficulty. Consequently Roma-ji came to be regarded as an easy tool for writing both spoken and written Japanese. But Hepburn was not the only person to invent a Roma-ji writing system. In the mid-16th Century, Roma-ji was used in Japan to read Chinese-written literature. The inventors were also foreign missionaries from Spain and Portugal. They printed quite a few books and dictionaries in their original Roma-ji, in which the Japanese language system and people's lives were described. During Japan's subsequent period of isolation, all foreigners except the Dutch were deported from Japan, and few works of transliteration were accomplished before the 19th Century. Then, in the 19th Century, European Japanologists such as Pages, Titsingh, Rosny and Dickins published books and dictionaries on Japan, with their original romanized transliteration of Chinese and Japanese Characters. These foreign missionaries and scholars took the lead in developing people's ability to read Japanese and Chinese writings and classic literature through Roma-ji. In this article, I have tried to study the methods of transliteration into Roma-ji developed by these inventors and to establish the specific features of their romanization. It can be said that the invention of Roma-ji by these early foreigner scholars as well as the work of Heoburn contributed erreatlv to Japanese modernization.
- 北海学園大学の論文
- 1998-03-31
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