- 論文の詳細を見る
We can see various systems with a hierarchical structure, which consists of individuals and their hierarchical groups, everywhere in the world. Such a system's behavior is not simple. It is difficult to analyze the essential mechanisms of a system's behavior in real life systems because their structures and behaviors are too complex to be analyzed. One of the methods to solve this problem, however, is for real systems to be modeled and simulated by computers. This paper reports the results of the , simulation of a system with a hierarchical structure from the viewpoint of "a complex system". In this simulation, two types of ants, workers and soldiers, work for the prosperity of their colony in an environment with many enemies and a lot of food. Relationships between the parameters of both kinds of ants and variation of the colony's strategy as well as the prosperity levels were focused on and simulated. The simulation results show that in the colony, a higher rank constituent changes the strategy as the parameters of each ant, a lower rank constituent, are changed. In addition, the colony's prosperity levels also vary as the strategy changes.
- 東海大学の論文
- 2001-03-30
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