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In this paper, lubricative properties of Sr_xCa_<1-x>CuO_y were investigated as a new solid lubricant. Sr_<0.14>Ca_<0.86>CuO_y in chemical composition (SCCO) have been known to the "infinite-layer" structure which is built from CuO_2 sheets and Ca (Sr) layers (pseudo Perovskite structure). Powder and plate specimens of SCCO were prepared from a stoichiometric amount of SrCO_3, CaCO_3 and CuO by the sintering method. They were analyzed by X-ray diffraction. Lubricative properties of SCCO were evaluated by using a cylinder on plate type tribometer. Various kinds of powder specimens were blended in squalane oil and their load carrying capacities were evaluated. Also, for three kinds of plate specimens, their dependence of friction on temperature were evaluated under non-lubrication. After the test, the friction track was observed by a scanning electron microscope and the surface elements were analyzed by an electron probe microanalyzer. Sr_<0.14>Ca_<0.86>CuO_y with "infinite-layer" structure showed low friction (about 0.1), high load carrying capacity (about 500kgf) under lubrication conditons, and a high temperature limit (about 500℃) under nonlubrication conditions. As a result of surface analysis, it was suggested that the lubricative film with infinite structure may be destroyed and lost its effective lubrication due to a tribo-chemical reaction.
- 東海大学の論文
- 1998-03-30
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