「地域看護実習」の試みと検討 : 「在宅ケア」のニーズが高まる中で
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Because of the progressive population aging, the need for “Home care” has been rapidly increased in recent years. In response to this need, we have modified the curriculum of our school as follows : 1. Changed the title from “Practice in public health nursing” to “Practice in community nursing”, also, changed to the contents and the amount of hours. 2. Placed, in curriculum, “practice in community nursing” not as a part of anyone of such subjects as “Pediatric nursing”, “Maternity nursing”, “Adult nursing” and “Nursing general” but as a common subject to all of them. Future problems : 1. In practice we are planning to emphasize on “Home care” and “Home visit nursing”. 2. As a nurse has to meet health need of the community people, We are necessary educate our students to be nurses who will be able to practice nursing, standing the side of the community people.
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