本学看護学生の食生活の実態調査 : 学生の食生活への認識を高めるために
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For improving the nursing students’ recognition of their own meal, We carried out the investigation into their meal and eating habits. We made clear their real states and discussed how to teach the students for helping their guidance of the eating habit to the patients with various diseases. Main results of this investigation are as follows ; 1) Concering the nutrition, many of them take only a little calory and protein, as well as iron and calcium are insufficient. 2) They take much amount of fat, which would have many problems in preventing adult diseases. 3) Some of them have no breakfast and their mealtime is irregular. This means they tend to make light of eating hadits. 4) Because many of them do their own cooking, they are likely to aim `lightness' and `deliciousness'. These results have close relation with some bad digestive and psychological conditions seen in the investigation of their health conditions. In progress of the curriculum which deals with nutrition and eating habits, almost all the students notice the importance of a diet, but only a little can go into action in order to form good eating habits. There are even a few students who they cannot guide the patients' diet. For co-operation of their knowledge and action, We must plan the group practice and personal interview to show the students the way to solve these problems.
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