- 論文の詳細を見る
Experiment of acquisition of thermoremanent magnetization has been made at Uwayati site in two plain kilns and an open-air fire. The first aim of this experiment is to inspect whether remanent magnetization shows the true Earth's magnetic field. The second aim of it is to reveal the temperature distribution as a function of depth and time.This distribution indicates the relationship between the amount of heat and the dispersionof remanent magnetization. Considerable temperature differences exist according to the structure of kiln and the position of combustion. It reflects to the intensity and direction of remanent magnetization. Archeomagnetic specimens collected from wall side showed more accurate results than that from floor side of a kiln. If we are able to get samples from the wall side, we can estimate most suitable direction of remanent magnetization.This method is effective for a site that experience a low temperature. In an excavated site, it is necessary to reproduce wall faces to reveal the true direction of magnetization. We must pay attention to the location of sampling, because the effect of heat differs from place to place. The floor face covered with ash may receive smaller effect of heating. Susceptibilitymeasurement indicates a rough idea of stability of magnetization. The intensityof remanent magnetization also shows the quality of data. In order to know the correctbehavior of secular variation, we should examine a suitable location of sampling anddevelop the analysis method on the basis of the present experiment.
- 秋田大学の論文
- 秋田大学体験学習教室の理念と物理探査学習教材の開発 (小特集 物理探査における科学・技術教育,人材育成)
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