<論文>心理述語と使役構文 : 意味役割と統語構造について
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In this paper, we address the question of how theta roles are projected in psychpredicate constructions by reexamining some of the data and their analyses proposed in the literature. We support the view that an Experiencer Object (EO) psych predicate is derived from the corresponding Experiencer Subject (ES) psych predicate. We also discuss the relation between the purported peculiar properties and the stativity of psych predicates, which has played an important role in EO psych predicates in Arad 1999,and Pylkkanen 1999. Taking causative constructions into consideration, we divide the Japanese causative head into two types : one which takes an eventive vP, and the other a stative vP. We sugest that this division coupled with movement into a theta position can account for the facts with respect to binding and scope interpretation of both psych predicates and causative constructions.
- 神田外語大学の論文
- 日本語難易文の名詞化について
- 日本語マルチメディア教材による自律学習の効果--リスニングスパンテストとリピーティングテストによる検証
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- 心理述語と使役構文 : 意味役割と統語構造について
- 状態述語の経験者と統語構造
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- 丸田忠雄、須賀一好編, 『日英語の自他の交替』, ひつじ書房, 2000年, iv+264pp.
- 日本語の主語の人称制限
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