神田外語大学 | 論文
- The Syllables in the Four Japanese Lexical Strata(1)The Native Japanese Stratum
- 古田先生と異文研
- 異文化コミュニケーション教育用ビデオの開発とその効果 : 文化対照法を中心に
- A Narrative Analysis of Students' Sojourn-abroad Experiences
- Learning and Teaching with Technology Through a Project-Based Course
- The Introduction of iPads at a Japanese university EFL program
- Projects in the Freshman English Course at Kanda 〔University of International Studies〕
- Emerging EFL Communicative Competence of Japanese Children
- The Syllables in the Four Japanese Lexical Strata: Part 2--The Sino-Japanese Stratum
- FLL Proficiency and its Link with Self-perceived Performance in the EFL Classroom : An Exploratory Study
- Aproximacion al Enfoque por Tareas y posibles problemas en su aplicacion practica
- Designing an Embodied Conversational Agent for a Self-Access Center
- Sustained Content Based Instruction for Beginner ESL Writing Classes : A Preliminary Analysis
- The introduction of iPads at a Japanese university EFL program
- Confidence in writing: the effect of feedback
- Error Correction and Feedback : Investigating Frequency and Types of Feedback in the EFL Classroom
- L2 Input, language aptitude, and acquisition of L2 grammar
- Effects of L2 test-tasks on learners' speech performance
- Parents' Beliefs and Children's Code-switching
- Comparability of Tasks in Assessing L2 Learners' Speaking Performance