山林よりの湧き水河川系における N-アシルアミノ酸塩の生分解性について
- 論文の詳細を見る
Development and use of good biodegradable detergent can be expected to be one of the most important factors of environmental protection in an area containing a famous sightseeing spot, such as a clear river between mountains within a natural park. Using river water running through a forest, we made a comparison of biodegradability between sodium linear alkylbenzen sulfonate (LAS) and monosodium N-lauryle-glutamate (LS), surfactant used in househould detergent. The primary degradation was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography, while the ultimate degradation was estimated by determining the water soluble total organic carbon (TOC). A Model test was carried out using the riber-die-away method. Primary degradation : LS underwent degradation more quickly than LAS. The degradation period of LAS and LS was 24 days and 10 days in the winter and 3 days and one day in the summer (30℃), respectibly. The degradation rate of any surfactant decreased in the order of summer >spring> winter. Moreover, the river water was affected by the temperature in all the seasons. Acclimation and some inflection points were obserbed in the case of LAS. Ultimate degradation : 50% of the TOC was degraded in the case LS within 7 days, however, in the case of LAS, the level of TOC did not diminish at all at 10℃ during the same period, thus clealy demonstrating that a long period of time is necessary for ultimate degradation to take place.
- 福岡女子大学の論文
- 1998-02-25
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