- 論文の詳細を見る
We investgated how much those women who undertook were conscious of water, i. e. domestic waste water etc., which was discharged from their homes and what practical measures they undertook to protect the environment. We sent out a questionnaire to adult women (20-60 years old) living in Fukuoka prefecture, collected the results and analysed them statistically. The main results were as follws : 1. Differences in practical measures regarding domestic wast water between those women who had experience of attending lectures about environmental problems and those who did not. We saw a difference in the processing of waste oil, the experience of making soap from waste oil, attendance at environmental protection activities and seven other items. We did not see a difference between the kind of detergent used (whether synthetic detergent or soap powder) and practical measures undertaken. However we did see a difference in seven items between those who were members of cooperative society (COOP) those who were not. We also saw a difference in five items between those dweling in areas equipped with a seweage system and those dwelling in other areas. 2. Water environmental factors Women who felt that "river water had become dirty compared with former times" comprised the high rate of 86.7%. Moreover, the majority of them thought that the cause of this was "domestic waste water from home". 69.2% of women thought that "tapwater is not delicious", while thought that the water environment (river, sea and lakes) will deteriorate further in the futuer. In 1994 when this survey was carried out, Fukuoka Prefecture was suffering from a greate shortage of water. As a result of this situation, the awareness of water problems increased. 68.8% of the women felt insecurity about both the natural environment and their living environment in the future. Moreover, 60.6% of the women complained that "information about environmental problems was inadequate". From these results, it can be assumed that objective and easy information is desired in order for many women to think, judge and act for themselves with regard to enviromental matters.
- 福岡女子大学の論文
- 1998-02-25
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