<論文>日本海羽幌町沖海域における動物プランクトンの季節変化 : 1989年1月から90年3月
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Zooplankton samplings were taken from 4 stations near artificial reefs between January 13,1989,and March 23,1990. Two stations are located off Haboro and one station each at Yagishiri and Teuri Islands. A Norpac net was used 8 times for sampling other than the 1st sampling, for which a Marutoku net was used. The number of zooplankters was very low in early winter and high from late winter to early summer changing from a 6.7 minimun in January to a maximum in July of 6,220.5 individuals・m^<-3>. Copepods were dominant in zooplankton, accounting for 67.9% (mean of all samples) . In early summer, other zooplankton groups, appendicularians and cladocerans were found. In early spring cirripede larvae and hydromedusas were found. A total of 21 species of calanoid copepods, 3 genera of cyclopoid and a harpacticoid were identified in this study. Pseudocalanus spp. and Calanus tenuicornis were dominant from late winter to early spring. Paracalanus parvus and Arcatia omorii were dominant from summer to late autumn. The species composition of copepods indicates, seasonal changes in hydrographic conditions in these areas occured during spring (March-April) and winter (December-January).
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