<調査報告>北海道羽幌町における魚礁設置海域の調査 : そのII.1989年1月と3月の動物プランクトン分布
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New type artificial fish reefs (Gyosho) were set at two areas off Haboro, Hokkaido in November, 1988. Zooplankton samplings were carried out with a Marutoku net and a NORPAC net at two stations around the artifical reefs on January 13 and March 21,1989,respectively. The number of zooplankton was very low ranging from 6.7 to 26.7 individuals/m^3 in January and 342.7 to 389.3 individuals/m^3 in March. Copepods were dominant in zooplankton, counting 59 to 100% in January and 21 to 25% in March. Dominant species of copepods were harpacticoids sp., Paracalanus parvus and Pseudodiaptomus sp. in January, and those in March were Oithona spp., Pseudocalanus minutus. Tortanus discaudatus and Calanus pacificus. It was considered from the speaes composition of copepods in that area off Haboro was under the influence of brackish water in January and of oceanic water in March.
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