銅の半田ろう接に関する研究 : 第 2 報
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An investigation was made to study the reaction in the case of heating up 60% Sn-40% Pb solder and copper plate. Solder and copper plate are heated up in temperatures ranging 225℃ to 450℃ for 30sec to 1200sec and the spread condition of solder, the thickness of the diffusion layer, the change in copper plate thickness and hardness are measured. The observation of the diffusion layer and the analysis of metallic elements with X-ray microanalyser are also reported. The result shows that Sn tends to diffuse into copper from Sn-Pb solder. The Sn concentration established by diffusion will eventually exceed the limits of solid solution in copper and compound formation will tend to occur. The more probable compounds would be ε (Cu_3Sn) or δ (Cu_6Sn_5) type phases, depending upon the temperature of exposure.
- 湘南工科大学の論文
- 1978-03-31
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