茶白紋羽病に関する研究(第 3 報) : 菌糸生長に及ぼす培地成分の影響及び培養滬液の植物毒性に就て
- 論文の詳細を見る
(I) Dry weight of the mycelium of three cultural strains of Rosellinia sp. grown for 20days at 24℃ was compared to confirm relation between the hyphal growth and the pathogenicities, and also the nutrient essential for the hyphal growth was studied. The growths on the media of plant extract and those containing pepton were vigourous in the order of R3,R2 and R1. The hyphal growth on Dox's solution was accelerated by adding a little of extracts of potato or rice straw. According to above, some minor substances in these plant extracts were considered to have effects on the hyphal growth. These substances were presumed to be vitamins and organic nitrogen. The hyphal growths on media containing thiamine or biotin, glucose, mineral salts and asparagine were inferior to those media containing extract of potato or pepton and sugar. But hyphal growth on the former was recognized to be superior to the common synthetic media, and the absolute hyphal growth in cultural strain R1 were considerably more than those of R2 and R3. The hyphal growth of each strain on media containing extract of tea-roots was in the order of R3,R1 and R2. From the extent of results of writer's experiments one cannot assume that the pathogenicities of the cultural strains of Rosellinia sp. do not always have reference to the hyphal growth in culture media. For the hyphal growth of the Rosellinia sp. aspragine, glucose (sugar), mineral-salts (MgSO_4・7H_2O, MnSO_4・4H_2O, KH_2PO_4) and vitamin (thiamine, biotin or inositol) were found to be essential substances. Since the growth on media containing increased amounts of KNO_3 and biotin was more vigourousby prolonging the cultural terms, so the protein synthesis from KNO_3 is thought to progress slowly in present fungi. (II) Phyto-toxicity of filtrate of cultural media on which Rosellinia sp. was allowed to grow investigated by using cuttings of seedling of broad beans and tea seedlings. The toxicity of filtrate was certified in media which hyphal growths were vigour. These toxicities were not influenced by heating the filtrate for 20 minutes at 100℃ and dilution to one half in concentration. Symptoms of toxicity on the broad beans resembled the leaf-spot caused by Cercospora Fabae, and on the tea seedling it showed wilting symptom similar to that on inoculation experiment using potted plant. Deteils of these toxic substances may be cleared in future study.
- 京都府立大学の論文
- 1955-09-01
安部 卓爾
安部 卓爾
Contributions from the Phytopathological Laboratory, Saikyo Univ.
河野 又四
Contributions from the Phytopathological Laboratory, Saikyo Univ.
河野 又四
Contributions from the phytopathological Laboratory, Saikyo University
安部 卓爾
Contributions from the phytopathological Laboratory, Saikyo University
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- 茶白紋羽病に関する研究(第 3 報) : 菌糸生長に及ぼす培地成分の影響及び培養滬液の植物毒性に就て