- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of applying glass ceramics implants to the maxilla and the effect on the surrounding tissue of penetration of the implants into the maxillary sinus. Thirty adult mongrel dogs were selected and implants were implanted to penetrate into the maxillary sinus. Five maxilla were removed at 7, 14, 30, 90, 180, or 270 days after implantation and the specimens were histologically examined by light microscopy. Results : 1. Up to 30 days, the sinus mucosa showed slight inflammation with mechanical injury under the epithelium around the penetrating part, at the latest this was restored by 90 days and no particular effect was observed afterwards. 2. From 7 days, there was new bone formation in the elevated space inferior to the sinus mucosa. Eventually compact bone filled the space and covered the implants extensively. 3. In the spongy bone region around the implants, active new bone formation was observed around the original bone beam from 7 to 14 days, after that it was observed along the implants. From 90 days, bone was formed on almost the entire surface of the implants inside in the jaw bone. These results indicate that in the case of glass ceramics implants penetrating into the maxillary sinus the injury of the sinus mucosa had been restored at an early stage. No problematical situation was particularly recognized, and the bone formation around the implants was normal. It was also confirmed that the glass ceramics implants show good bone formation and bonyankilosis in the maxilla by tight implantation.
- 北海道医療大学の論文
- 1995-12-31
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