<原著>耳下腺唾液分泌と電位変動について : I. 舌酸刺激時における耳下腺唾液中のイオン(Na^+,K^+,Cl^-,H^+)濃度および分泌速度の変化と電位変化との関係
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It is well known that the tongue is stimulated with a sour taste stimulation, the flow rate of parotid saliva increases, and the concentrations of ions in parotid saliva and parotid electrical potential change. In this report, the relationships among the changes in the concentrations of ions (Na^+, K^+, Cl^-, H^+) and the flow rate of parotid saliva, together with the change in parotid electrical potential were studied in human parotid salivation induced with sour (3% tartaric acid) stimulation on the tongue. 1) Maximum flow rate of parotid saliva (ca. 4 ml/min) was seen approximately 20 sec after the tongue stimulation, and about 5 min after stimulation, the flow rate returned to the initial level. 2) The Na^+ concentration before stimulation was about 4mEq/l, and about 40 sec after stimulation it increased to about 75mEq/l, and returned to the initial level 12 min after stimulation. 3) The Cl^- concentration before stimulation was about 30 mEq/l, and about 25 sec after stimulation it increased to about 58 mEq/l, and returned to the initial level 16 min after stimulation. The time courses of Na^+ and Cl^- concentrations were not in parallel. 4) The K^+ concentration before stimulation was about 45 mEq/l, and after stimula-tion it gradually decreased, and was about 25 mEq/- 90 sec after stimulation. Twenty min after stimulation the K^+ concentration returned to the initial level. 5) pH before stimulation was 6.3, and 1 min after stimulation, it increased to 7.4 and this value was maintained for about 5 min. After that , pH gradually returned to the initial level. 6) The electrical potential was deflected to the negative side by stimulation, and maximum deflection was seen about 10 sec after stimulation. The electrical potential returned to the initial level 45 sec after stimulation. 7) We could not find parallel correlations among the changes in the concentrations of Na^+, Cl^-, K^+, H^+ and the flow rate of parotid saliva, and the change in parotid electrical potential.
- 北海道医療大学の論文
- 1983-12-31
倉橋 昌司
中村 治雄
猪股 孝四郎
倉橋 昌司
高桑 光代
高桑 光代
玉川 恭子
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