女性のスピリチュアリティ 序説 : 女性性の回復にむけて
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Through clinical work experince, I have seen women in contemporary society who suffer from low self-esteem, an inner void, and loss of meanings in life. Although this is the case with women, men are not aware of their own sufferings in the male dominant world. Not only women but also the earth and nature are in need healing. I consider, as a reason for this, femininity has been devalued and traditionally it was alienated from the world. Thus, I will explore in what ways women as the embodiment of femininity were regulated and how women were forced to live through examination of old tales, myths, dreams, and clinical cases.The objectives of this thesis are discovering, redeeming and regaining women's spirituality. By doing so, I think women can regain wholeness and their relationship to men change. As a result, men are relieved of their sufferings. The earth and nature are healed. In this introduction, I took up one of Arthurian legends, “Sir Gawain and the Loathly lady" and pointed our relationship to the rejected, despised aspects of femininity as a point of departure.
- 文教大学の論文
- 心理療法におけるこころとからだ
- 心理療法における治療者クライエント関係とクライエントの内的作業
- 臨床・障害1(801〜807)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 人格4(430〜438)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 臨床・障害5(832〜838)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 838 箱庭人形劇の試み(2)(臨床・障害5,研究発表)
- 837 箱庭人形劇の試み(1)(臨床・障害5,研究発表)
- 436 自己像の検討と総括的考察(VI)(人格4,人格)
- 女性のスピリチュアリティII 「カエルの王さま」のユング心理学的解釈
- 女性のスピリチュアリティ 序説 : 女性性の回復にむけて
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- トランスパーソナル自己の実現 : 利己心と責任
- トランスパーソナル・サイコセラピーのカダイと展望 : その1 序論
- 心をうつす : イメージと描画(うつす)
- 創造の人間学 (II) : 芸術に表われた人格の諸相
- 創造の人間学 (I) : 内的世界の表現としての絵画
- 806 乗物恐怖症例の人間学的理解(臨床・障害1,臨床・障害)
- 不安の人間学的考察
- 釈尊の思想と心理療法 (序説)