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We consider therapist-client relationship and client's intrapersonal work as two essentials of psychotherapy. Among various psychotherapy schools, "therapist-client relationship" is emphasized in some psychotherapy techniques, and "client's intrapersonal work" in others. For example, the former are client-centered psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, and the latter are behavior therapy, focusing, and sand play. Interactions between "relationship" and " intrapersonal work" were examined in case study. First, "relationship" dominant characteristic of a psychotherapy technique , or " intrapersonal work" dominant characteristic of another was found to be fairly stable. However, the characteristic sometimes depended on client's psychopathology and his or her attitude toward interpersonal relationship. Second ,while "intrapersonal work" factor supported "relationship "one in "relationship" dominant psychotherapy, "relationship" factor supported " intrapersonal work" one in " intrapersonal work" dominant psychotherapy. Finally , it was suggested that psychotherapists' attitude toward "relationship" and " intrapersonal work" and his or her personal style had an effect on what technique to introduce, or on balance of "relationship" and " intrapersonl work".
- 文教大学の論文
- 1999-12-20
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