- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, we examined the relation between body and mind and body wisdom based on our experience as therapists and our clients' experience.Both Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy and Dohsa Therapy consider bodily sense the essential condition in psychotherapy. Although they appear very different from each other, similar processes to Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy sometimes occur in Dohsa Therapy sessions, and some of Dohsa Therapy skills sometimes facilitate Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy sessions.Undergraduate students of my seminar had five weekly sessions of Dohsa Therapy and five weekly sessions of Focusing. After five sessions of Dohsa therapy, students came to be sensitive to their bodily sense, found their own bodies not so controllable as they had expected them to be, and became aware of relationships between how their bodies were and how their lives were. All of them felt relaxed after each session.After five sessions of Focusing, they felt a little embarrassed because "Felt Sense" , bodily sense in Focusing, was more delicate and obscure than that in Dohsa Therapy. On the other hand, they found "Felt Sense" more multifaceted, which intrigued them a lot. Some of them came to be able to take an adequate distance from "Felt Sense", and to get along with what couldn't be expressed in words.Donuma examined the psychological awakening and awareness that she had through body in experiencing the process-oriented psychotherapy and the horotropic breathing psychotherapy. As a result, she found that body is spiritual being and that past experience is remembered through body. Furthermore, she discovered that body and mind are closely connected.
- 文教大学の論文
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