女性のスピリチュアリティII 「カエルの王さま」のユング心理学的解釈
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Fairy tales may be understood as a process of soul from a depth. Psychological perspective. In this essay, I discussed how a girl in adolescence grows as a feminine through interpretation of the Great Mother nature and sexuality for the discovery of the feminine nature. In addition, a most beautiful princess faces ugliness within her, confronts the rule and authority of the masculine, and saves frog.Furthermore, a girl integrates the Animus, develops sexuality and the Eros, and grows as a mature woman. I examined in depth the meaning of a woman's anger in the climax of the fairy tale. No study on the fairy tale has been conducted in this viewpoint. I explored the meanings of symbolic representations of the objects, images, and symbols expressed in the fairy tale using the same method of dream interpretation.
- 文教大学の論文
- 2004-12-20
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