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How have the narratives about high-school baseball been generated? It is assumed that Tobita Suisyu (1886-1986) is an important person to answer the question because of his career. He was famous for his "Senbon Nokku" when he was the first coach of the baseball club of Waseda University, and he had been writing about student baseball for 40 years as a journalist. That is why he has been called the Father of Student Baseball. The purpose of this study is to clarify his principles about baseball by studying the contents of his selected masterpieces. As a result we found the following principles of his baseball philosophy: vengeance, unselfishness, moral cultivation, hard training based on the code of the samurai, amateurism, communal spirit, Yakyu-dou as religious belief, spirit of fortitude and manliness, frugal life, carelessness about appearance and so on. When we classify the media of sport by the scale of hotness and coolness, the hottest media are printing ones and the coolest media are sport events that are the actual sport plays in stadiums. TVs and radios are located midway between them. According to this scheme, it can be said that Tobita's narratives had been spread through the hot media such as newspapers and magazines. Though all of his narratives do not exist as ideology of the student of baseball, some of them are still alive nowadays. Some narratives are deposited in people's mind, and those narratives are reinforced when people see the "events" based on the existing narratives in their mind. It may be suggested that the narratives of sport are generated through circulation between "narratives" and "events."
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