身体障害者スポーツに関する一考察 : ソーシャル・ロール・バロリゼーションの視点から
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The development of sports for the physically disabled has been greatly influenced by the philosophy of normalization in recent years. The philosophy of normalization was spread throughout the United States and Canada by Wolfensberger. He stated that the principle of normalization breeds the theory of "social role valorization" in his recent book. The purpose of this paper is to rethink sport for the physically disabled from the viewpoint of "social role valorization", after summarizing the progress of sports for the disabled. Playing a role in sports causes among the disabled people "social role valorization". Because the fundamental principles to our society are achievement principles, and achievement is highly valued in sport where results are obvious. It is possible that sport wipes off stigma which is affixed on the disabled in modern society characterized by meritocracy. However, sport for the physically disabled, which conduces to "social role valorization" and reinforces values of modern society, could not be the alternative to modern sport so far.
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