- 論文の詳細を見る
On June 11,1983,an observation of the outer solar corona at the island of Java, Indonesia has been carried out at 30km altitude using a B-15 balloon. At the optical wavelengths of 5325 A, 5965 A, 7200 A, and 8015 A, polarizations in a field of 5°×5°centered nearly on the sun were obtained and contour maps of them are shown. These are the first observations of the two-dimensional polarization distribution covering this wide area, although Saito and Hata (1964) obtained polarization distribution within 3 R_<⦿> using photographic technique. Excesses of polarization were found in the ecliptic plane between 4 R_<⦿> and 5 R_<⦿> as already reported in the paper by Isobe et al (1985,hereafter refered as Paper I) and in the location of a coronal stream. These results are compared with different kinds of previous observations and theoretical calculations. High polarization at the coronal streamer is mainly caused by coronal electron. However, since the difference of the polarization degree of about 5 percents between the observed wavelengths does not appear only in this streamer but also in the extended outer region, dust grains in the region extending from the ecliptic plane contribute in some percents to the high polarization degree in the streamer. The polarization excess in the ecliptic is considered to be due to an enhanced distribution of dust in a ring or a thick wide band around the sun. This conclusion is consistent with infrared observations, including the one obtained by Mizutani et al (1984) who launched their instrument on the same gondola with our instrument.
- 宇宙航空研究開発機構の論文
馬場 直志
馬場 直志
三浦 則明
磯部 三
磯部 [しゅう]三
平山 智啓
三浦 則明
磯部 〓三
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