- 論文の詳細を見る
Microcystis (Cyanobacteria) is known to often produce toxins causing animal death and its toxicity differs with species of Microcystis, sampling stations and times, and culture conditions. A Microcystis bloom has been of common occurrence for at least fifteen years in Lake Suwa. The toxicity of Microcystis in Lake Suwa was examined since the beginning of partial utilization of sewerage from 1979. The crude extracts with n-butanol from Microcystis of water blooms in 1979 administered to mice intraperitoneally or orally caused death of mice. Their symptoms and histopathological changes of the hepatic cells were similar to those treated with M. aeruginosa. The crude extracts were proved to contain toxins of Microcystis. The LD_<50> (i.p.) was 100-700mg/kg, and the toxicity was estimated as moderate to rather low. The crude extracts also caused high hemaggulutination and low hemolysis of erythrocytes isolated from mice and rats. Hemaggulutination by the crude extracts from Microcystis of warter blooms between 1979 and 1982 was observed at the concentration of about 0.1-1.6mg algae/ml. Microcystis in 1979 caused death of mice, and Microcystis of other blooms were suggested to be toxic. The degree of toxicity was nearly constant during the process of initial utilization of sewerage extending for four years.
- 山梨大学の論文
- Microcystis属の種の優占性に影響する要因について〔英文〕
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- 220 下水汚泥の完全資源化(第2報) : 嫌気消化脱離液からの重金属除去および海産プランクトン増殖効果
- 462 下水汚泥の完全資源化(第1報) : 構想および予備実験
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